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Comment Now hire the Jim Keller of GPUs... (Score 1) 33

Good news. I guess having Jim Keller design your architecture really helps. Yes, the same guy who helped Apple with their ARM designs, and then Tesla with theirs. Now if only there was a GPU "Jim Keller" that could hop from company to company and ignite such developments to challenge Nvidia, that would be just great for everybody.

Comment Working as intended (Score 1) 50

Step 1: Concoct a myriad of features that absolutely no one is asking for in the name of (constant) growth
    Step 1a: CEO makes money
Step 2: Hire a ton of talent to implement Step 1
    Step 2a: CEO makes money
Step 3: Realize that people are not paying for the features they didn't ask for
    Step 3a: CEO makes money
Step 4: Venture and investment capital dries up
    Step 4a: CEO makes money
Step 5: Lay off the talent from Step 2
    Step 5a: CEO makes money
Step 6: Go to Step 1

Comment Even if the creators disable transactions? (Score 1) 83

I read the original Patreon post, but I want to make sure I am understanding it right. As a creator (which I am not), if I make it impossible for my customers to buy from the app, and instead direct them to the website, that can get the whole Patreon app in trouble, too?

I thought Amazon and others do exactly the same. For example, you cannot buy books from the Kindle app directly. So why would Apple threaten Patreon for the same?

Comment Re: Mixed bag (Score 1) 42

So. . . I do not disagree with you in general. Iâ(TM)m glad you liked it. It was't that bad, and many people did.

But the problem with this line of thinking is that you and the people like youâ"the newcomers to the seriesâ"are NOT what will sustain it (and similar efforts). Halo wasn't ever going to sweep the world like Squid Game. They NEED to please the people who grew up with the source material, and THOSE people don't want to see someone else's re-interpretation. There is no "re"-interpretation, the source material is painfully clear (and oftentimes painfully simple) and well-established. All the makers had to do was to flesh out what was already there. And it was a fertile ground for fleshing things out. This could have been such a success, IMO.

Comment As a Mac / iOS user, I say... (Score 1) 465

... Apple is full of shit. It's one of the most condescending and infuriating companies ever. Their products definitely have their strengths, and for a software developer* it's usually a choice between [fighting MS's shit | fighting Apple's shit] and I'd choose to fight Apple's shit any day of the week and twice on Sundays, but that's not to say that they are not FULL OF SHIT.

* for some values of "software developer"

Comment Re: Like using a web browser as your IDE (Score 1) 40

I use Sublime Text exclusively for work, as I refuse to use what's essentially a text editor that weighs in at 500 MB of frameworks (VSCode). I donâ(TM)t actually hold its memory usage against it so much as the disk footprint.

Anyway, Sublime is great in 2024. Very fast. Tons of customizations. Tons of packages. And by the way, Atom has a fork, it seems to be under active development. (

- z

Comment Re: 2600 counts of fraud (Score 1) 47

Iâ(TM)m not trolling, but: isnâ(TM)t optimizing for one target sometimes (oftentimes?) at the expense of performance for another target? If so, optimizing for a narrow, very specific set of operations would leave you underperforming in everything else. And while the benchmark was designed to RESEMBLE a real workload, if their meddling was so precise, then it would definitely only improve an extremely specific set of instructions. In which case we're back to the argument that you would not be buying the suggested performance.

Comment Some direction is better than none (Score 5, Interesting) 57

I love Firefox. Most configurable browser (through about:config). Great extensions. Independent rendering engine. And... horrible, meandering big-picture strategy. I hate that. I'm never sure when I'll read some bad news about a takeover or some other catastrophic consequence of corporate neglects. So, with that said, I can only say: GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!

Because a privacy-first strategy, or ANY strategy, is far better than the no strategy right now. Here's to hoping that eventually it finds a dedicated and loyal niche.

Comment Explain to me... (Score 4, Insightful) 101 these statements reconcile in people's heads:

> AI-generated imagery


> Fast evolving technologies are creating new possibilities for child sexual abuse online

Are they AI-generated or not? Did someone need to sit and pose for the imagery or not? Or is this Schrodinger's image, both real and fake at the same time?

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