So, I won't say "You're wrong", but I will say I had a different response on your angles.
I think the pacing was excellent, slow enough lt dragged you along in tension, but fast enough I never even noticed the time pass. The product placement was entirely in line with the canon and the corporate dystopia: Why go invent _all_ new ones? I found leto compelling and creepy.
As for replicants reproducing: didn't you catch that the god-complex evil genius specifically _wanted_ reproduction? That's why it wasn't engineered out, because Mr. messiah-complex didn't want it so. And if you think GodCorp can't commit a murder in LAPD headquarters and get away with it, you need to go check your dystopias. ;)
The flying car dogfight was not a dogfight. He was not "fleeing pursuit", that was a luxury limousine and cars with bodyguards, completely confident in their untouchability. Hubris. They absolutely could have run it as a military convoy with high cover if they'd felt like it. But they saw no reason.
I don't know what you mean by focus. :)
Again, this is not to say you're wrong, but the interpretations which so gall you are ... not necessary. Others come away with very different perspective.