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Submission + - Automated vulnerability patching with AI now feasible (

Zapotek writes: I'd like to inform you of a sector first, AI vulnerability patching.

This comes from a Greek startup called Ecsypno.

Codename SCNR is a DAST solution which, when coupled with the Introspector server-side middleware and the OpenAI platform for data analysis, can provide effective and actionable vulnerability patching.

This leads to automation from scanning to fixing.

I'm addition to code patches, thanks to the unparalleled context gathered by Codename SCNR and the AI, automated issue dissection, exploitation guidance, remediation guidance and more are possible, allowing professionals to easily assess the entire breadth of each vulnerability while mitigating it.

Comment Re:This is um. Ok. I guess? (Score 1) 20

Right now this deals with divisible workloads. All there is for MPI are the Ruby RPC and a shared hashmap with callbacks to serve possibly even as a channel.
I don't imagine anyone using this for other tasks although the project was just born and high-performance code can be added via native C/C++/Rust extensions to the project. That'd go into Cuboid though, not Peplum, Peplum would just benefit

Submission + - Peplum: F/OSS super-computing at Home with Ruby Infrastructure (

Zapotek writes: Hello all,

It's been very busy here at Ecsypno skunkworks these last few days when it comes to research and development into distributed computing systems.

Armed with Cuboid, Qmap was built, which tackled the handling of nmap in a distributed environment, with great results. Afterwards, an iterative clean-up process led to a template of sorts, for scheduling most applications in such environments.

With that, Peplum was born, which allows for OS applications, Ruby code and C/C++/Rust code (via Ruby extensions) to be distributed across machines and tackle the processing of neatly grouped objects.

In essence, Peplum:

        Is a distributed computing solution backed by Cuboid.
        Its basic function is to distribute workloads and deliver payloads across multiple machines and thus parallelize otherwise time consuming tasks.
        Allows you to combine several machines and built a cluster/supercomputer of sorts with great ease.

After that was dealt with, it was time to port Qmap over to Peplum for easier long-term maintenance, thus renamed Peplum::Nmap.

So that was quite the weekend!

We have high hopes for Peplum as it basically means easy, simple and joyful cloud/clustering/super-computing at home, on-premise, anywhere really. Along with the capability to turn a lot of security oriented apps into super versions of themselves, it is quite the infrastructure.

Comment Re:"nonconsensual sex or touching" (Score 1) 399

Because my job isn't to report on this and because the bit I copied was enough to being attention to the point I was trying to make, with said point having nothing to do with gender but rather the author's attempt at manipulation by counting together touch and rape.

Not to mention the fact that this was obviously a quote of the full description, with the description being a mere scroll away.

You saw a gender bias where there was none, so it was probably just your own.

Comment "nonconsensual sex or touching" (Score 4, Insightful) 399

According to a recent study of 27 schools, about one-quarter of female undergraduates said they had experienced nonconsensual sex or touching since entering college

So basically they asked about touching and sex just so they can put the phrase "nonconsensual sex" and "one-quarter" together?

Those 2 are nowhere near the same level of severity to be reported in that fashion.
I've been touched plenty times nonconsensually, I figured "that's a bit too familiar" (yes I'm a man, yes by women), however I wouldn't place those occurrences nowhere near anything having to do with rape.

The Military

US Defense Secretary Mulls Rapid Grants For Tech Companies 58

itwbennett writes: The push for greater cooperation with tech companies has been a big theme for the DOD in the last year, but many big tech companies so far have been wary of the government's overtures following NSA spying revelations. Now, the government is taking a more 'if you can't join them, build your own' approach. The U.S. Department of Defense is considering offering rapid seed funding to private companies as a way to encourage more work on technology projects with the commercial sector, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said Wednesday. 'The DOD has to tap into all the streams of innovation and emerging technology and it has to do so much more quickly,' Carter told DARPA's Wait, What? conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 1307

You shouldn't have been down-voted. There was a lot of pretty radical nepotism, there was a story of a subway cleaning lady making making 6 figures, that's insane -- probably an event with a magnitude of singular occurrence, but gives you an idea of how far things had gone. Those people getting fired was the right thing to do, but it only resulted in a temporary surplus, not growth. Different measures were/are required.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1307

You're right of course, I was just sharing my personal experience growing up (hospitals, schools etc.).
Tax evasion is jokingly said to be the national sport.

The crazy thing is that people don't pay taxes because the gov is corrupt and will pocket the money but then keep voting for the same people, Greece has been mostly influenced by 2 political families since the day before forever.

Of course, that is only one of the causes for the current situation, there's always some conflict affecting this place, hell there was an overthrow of The Junta (as referred to by natives) as soon as '73. Always broke, always in debt, always something fucked up going on.

Things kept piling up that were not being dealt properly after each occurrence, either to stabilize, repair or plan for growth. People tend to focus on one thing, but there has been a lot of pressure building up. So many things stacked crooked, I guess it's my generation's fault to face a similar disturbance as almost all others before it.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 1307

That's nothing, wanna see desperation? Look for the rise in support for the neo-Nazi criminal enterprise disguised as a political party, New Dawn.
All the while talking about the good old days (i.e. ancient Greece, birthplace of democracy), reconciliating that with their beliefs must have taken some serious mental gymnastics.

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