Comment Re:any of the contestants here? (Score 1) 156
MITRE is a not-for-profit organization. Yes, their sole income is based on government funding so indirectly (using that term as broadly and blindly as possibly)they shouldn't have entered. But since MITRE isn't allowed to use more than 10% of their income for research, most of which hardly qualified for this DARPA project, I call sour grapes. I have a sibling that works for MITRE, and almost the entire project was volunteer work. I didn't see any sponsorship logos on the Mitre Meteor.
MITRE is "NOT" a quasi-governmental agency, spin it as you like. Are you trying to justify being eliminated? Not-for-profit=if they make a profit, they have to build a new parking lot instead of giving their employees a raise. I suggest you do a little research before you make blind declarations. As for the universities funding, I'm not familiar with that.