Comment It's change for the sake of change (Score 5, Insightful) 1040
The problem that I have with all the new GUIs that are coming out it seems like it's all just change for the sake of change.
The problem that I have with all the new GUIs that are coming out it seems like it's all just change for the sake of change.
Uh, wrong company?
Now if only they hadn't killed off the one product I was actually looking forward to as a viable alternative to my iPad.
Wouldn't Slashdot technically be one of his blogs?
I've gotten sick of debating this bill and the process behind it so I'll let this comic I made last night do the talking for me:
More than likely they'll vote that this whole LAN thing is being way overblown and they'll laugh at everyone who decided to not buy the game.
Either that or they'll laugh at you for buying the game anyway.
I think you may be interested in an item Blizzard created in WoW just for you!
So, you want people in the government who throw morals out the window and do things that are questionably legal at the first sign of a dollar?
I thought that's what the definition of a politician was?
Was that you in the van down by the river?
In that case, I submit "Obama".
OVER 9000?!
Please spend government money (my tax dollars) on filling my inbox with even more inane crap. We could even make it part of the "stimulus package".
Why not spend that money getting some of the real spam-killing ideas implemented?
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.