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Comment Re:A startup by Florida Man (Score 1) 133

Eh, waste heat wouldn't be a problem. You can use the entire moon as your heat sink. Past about 6 feet down, the subsurface temperature of the moon is a pretty even -30F. Sink a heat pipe in and problem solved... yay thermal conductivity! This doesn't negate any of the *other* problems with this idiotic idea, but heat is about the one thing that isn't insurmountable.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 231

(I think alot of ISPs in US try to make it difficult to stop services?)

Required by the FCC. We can't make a change to a customer's account without jumping through a number of hoops to verify the customer's identity and that the person requesting a change is authorized by the account owner. In the event of the death of a customer, we need either a copy of the customer's death certificate or a copy of the court documents giving control over the estate. So far as I know, and this has never come up at the company I work for, the FCC regulations don't include an exception when the company is responsible for the customer's death. Even personal knowledge of the customer's death isn't sufficient to transfer control over the account to another person who isn't already authorized on the account. Powers of Attorney aren't sufficient, either, as they terminate at the covered person's death.

So yeah, FCC regulations make it hard to terminate services. It's a result of the uproar a few years back from LD companies cramming new services onto local accounts, or fraudulently pretexting to misidentify a broker as the account holder.

Comment Re:Phone company liability... (Score 4, Informative) 71

Want to know what's worse?

Per FCC regulations, your phone company can NOT initiate a confirmation contact once a port-out has been initiated. If the account #'s, names, and security information are correct in the port-out request initiated by the new phone company, the old provider has no legal authority to question or verify the legitimacy of the port-out request and must complete the port-out within 24 hours or show good reason it could not technically be completed. And they are not allowed to contact you for any reason regarding the number port.

Comment Re:Unsurprising, really (Score 1) 223

All culture, everywhere, everywhen, has been about celebrity. It has never been otherwise. The Greeks fawned over philosophers who in turn accepted paid philosophizing gigs. Roman gladiators had endorsements and groupies. BCE China had emperors, courtiers, bureaucrats, entire classes of people who were fawned over and obeyed without question. There has never been and never will be a time when the average person on the street has any personal independence in his or her life.

This feigned or mistaken indignance over supposedly increasing state powers or the failings of modern pop culture is just sorely misplaced. There's no loss of privacy, there was never any privacy to begin with. It's just that now, the spread of information access to the masses give some awareness of the situation.

Comment Re:Until you experience the speed ... (Score 1) 338

No telco should be running its ONTs off a power brick unless the entire building is on a backup generator or you put a UPS on every ONT. They carry POTS, too, and you can't have that drop every time there's a power outage. We have a hybrid system, UPS running off mains for the early areas that were converted to fiber 6 years ago and 400v DC carried over legacy copper for the more recent installs. That way we can power the ONTs during a power outage with diesel generators at the remotes or in the CO.

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