And, while you might not agree with how it went down, when you called to cancel they did so without hesitation. Didn't blame you or give you the run around. Sounds like they did good by you and didn't penalize you for not paying attention to what you signed.
We called the credit card company, and as soon as we said the words "best buy" they said "we'll reverse the charges, this happens ALL THE TIME."
The credit card company "did good" by him - NOT Best Buy. Even disregarding that distinction, I wouldn't have given Best Buy any praise for not being even more underhanded and scummy than they already had by sneaking an unwanted contract by in the first place.
Way back in 1991, InfoWorld reported on an advanced threat hitchhiking inside printers shipped to Iraq. The virus, known as AF/91 and implanted by the U.S. government, reportedly shut down Iraqi radar installations before escaping to spread among Windows computers.
Long arms are for hunting and sport shooting, but you don't hunt deer with a pistol.
You most certainly can hunt deer with a pistol, as well as rabbit, squirrel, and many other types of small game. Up until a couple of years ago in Illinois, there was a specific season for hunting deer with a handgun, in January if I remember correctly. Now the January season is shotgun and handgun. I've also known many hunters who carry handguns on them as a means of self defense when hunting wild boars; they tend to charge if you miss your first shot.
A shadow of a person, based on what people remember. Or, more specifically, what the system remembers. Since conceivably, generations born in 2000 and up will live their whole lives on the social web, systems will have a lot of information with which to recreate a person's personality.
So essentially the plot of Caprica?
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen