I can't remember where I first heard about BloodFrontier. (it may have been slashdot, not certain)
So far, I've been really enjoying it. It doesn't work as well on my slower, less powerful laptop, as Quake 3 does, but I expected that. I suppose turning off the shaders and stuff would speed it up.
On my desktop it's been really nice to play. My only complaints were that the bots were to easy to beat (and you've fixed that), that there isn't some sort of melee attack, and that if you got to close to someone you couldn't hit them (don't know it this's been fixed)
I really like your new movement code (compared to Cube/Cube 2's movement code it's a huge improvement). The only game that I've played which is as fast or faster than Bloodfrontier is Warsow.
A couple of suggestions:
- Instead of androids, could the character be a cyborg maybe? Androids don't really bleed.
- Add a box that comes up, telling you who you just fragged, like in Quake 3
- Instead of text for things like Headshot, Slaughter, and Carnage, have icons
- If you decide to have a flashlight for the game, for gods sake attach it to the gun!
Looking forward to the next release!