Journal Journal: Ultimate Slashdot quote
In soviet russia, korean old people imagine beowulf cluster of you welcoming our insensitive clod overlords, in japan!
In soviet russia, korean old people imagine beowulf cluster of you welcoming our insensitive clod overlords, in japan!
I want to go here to find out this info:
Also, look at this previous Journal Entry for more info:
Remember, I found this while browsing Slashdot, this list is NOT mine...
- Can you imagine a Beowulf cluster of these?
- How long until the RIAA sues them into oblivion once they find out how may MP3's you can put on one?
- "Can you put Linux on it?" or "Yes, but will it run Linux?"
- "Yeah, but does it run Doom3?" or "And it still won't run Doom3."
- Any comment regarding "Duke Nukem Forever" taking literally 'forever' and being termed 'vaporware'.
- I am not buying one until they support ".ogg".
- I for one welcome our new (insert name of company mentioned in post or story) overlords.
- "George Lucas raped my childhood" or "Greedo shoots first" comments on any story incorporating the Star Wars franchise.
- A comment including these 3 components in any order: Natalie Portman, naked and petrified, hot grits, one's pants.
- Microsoft = Evil, MPAA = Evil, RIAA = Evil; with anything else incorporated to try and fit those equations into the topic at hand
- Some type of reference to the size of one's ProN collection, the amount of ProN that can be stored on the gadget or technology in question, or the ProN industry itself being the first to make good sue of the new technology or gadget in question (ergo: the ProN industry drives technology)
- The posted cliché being self-described as an "obligatory" post in the heading area if that particular cliché had not been addressed yet by previous slashdotters. (e.g. "obligatory Beowulf cluster comment")
- Post revealing the fact that the story's homepage had been slashdotted already, culminating towards another post later on with the homepage story itself being copied & pasted verbatim (often with a subsequent post purporting that this is karma whoring, even though the poster admits it is indeed helpful anyways.)
- Remark on the size of some new storage advancement about how many LOC's (Library of Congresses) can fit on it, or any other remark noting how this can be an actual valid unit of data storage measurement.
- A variation of the Zero Wing video game intro dialogue regarding it's broken English translation: "Someone set up us the base....we have every ZIG, make your time".....blah, blah, blah.
- Very soon lists such as this will be clichés as well.
- Similarly noted and additional clichés may be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slashdot_subculture
I must search for this on Google:
Markov Chain text generator
Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC