Comment Its been coming for a long time (Score 3, Informative) 141
I've been a long term fan of Windows but also been an avid user of linux in server environments, I had tried Linux desktops a bit over the years but always found them lacking. I have had every problem under the sun with windows and would say i have years upon years of tricks to repair pretty much everything. But no matter how much i know windows would always find some other way to break and itd just gotten worse and worse, 10 minutes to login for no reason, not powering off a laptop on Shutdown amongst many many other issues.
So thought i would give linux desktop a go again expecting to try it for a few weeks before going back to windows and ive got to say gnome tweaks is what really pushed me over the line to leave windows behind for good, managed to get the perfect balance between windows and linux features and now almost a year later it works exactly the same as it did on day one.
**** you windows you have had years to get a stable codebase and now linux is just so good its nothing but a shrinking marketshare, especially as more windows friendly variants pop up and proton gets polished for more apps and games.