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Comment need more journalist like George (Score 1) 214

Interesting story to coverup the truth "showed the wrong pictures". I wonder how much money it took to find out about the wrong pictures. I am shure George did not expect to air that and keep his job. This story goes all the way to the royal family. We may be hearing more about this later. only if there are more honest journalist willing to lose their job or life.

Comment Re:They're missing the point... (Score 1) 121

Of all the dire remarks on this I like yours the best. The only way to get the public to trust any electronic system at this point is to decouple the error detection from the software, such that it is impossible for the software or hardware to make an error that is not detected. The following system design does this. Your opponent could design the software in secret and any tampering or mistakes will still be detected by the voters not the software. The voting software simply compiles the votes into a Data Base, formats and publishes the data base on the internet. Voter privacy is protected. Only the voter and the registrar of voters know the association between voter and ballot number. The Data Base format is public, as well as the data. The Data Base is just an ASCII list of ballot numbers and associated votes with checksums. (The simpler the better) One or more of the check sums contains the election results. This makes it impossible to manipulate the data, or to change the election results without changing at least one checksum. Each Voter is responsible for verifying their ballot. Since data is public, anyone with an internet connection can verify their vote and the results. Anyone with an internet connection can write their own independent software to verify results and verify their vote. One could even download the ASCII data base into excel and verify without writing software. The vote is verified at the precinct level. This keeps each data base small and forces any hacker to hack multiple systems. The integrity of the election is the responsibility of the voter. To say that this puts the voter at risk of being bought is like saying that you can’t own gold because someone might steal it. No system can compensate for a legal system that does not work. ELectronic Verifiable Internet Voting System ELVIVS

Comment Re:we need to get rid of mechanical voting too (Score 1) 175

Less complexity and more light are needed. The internet voting system design located at has solved this problem. The design is one page long and takes less than 1 minute to read. The votes are collected and tabulated at the precinct level, so that multiple precincts would have to be hacked to affect the outcome. In this system each voter can log on and verify their vote post election. Even if a hacker was able to change a vote the voter would detect that. In the current environment I suspect that most voters would take the time to log on to verify their vote if given the chance. Only the voter can truly verify the vote.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter now. (Score 1) 175

You are right. It just does not matter if a Democrat or Republican wins. Both parties are controlled by Globalist. Obama is not the one writing the legislation. He does not know what is in the bills any more than Bush did or Congress does. The Globalist use the two party system to divide and conquer us, while both parties slowly take away our rights, and property. Republican Party: Red Oppressive Government controlled by International Bankers. (TARP) Democratic Party: Blue Oppressive Government controlled by International Bankers. (BAILOUT) Libertarian Party: Constitutional based Government for the People. (END THE FEDERAL RESERVE) There is no technical difference between TARP and the Bailout. The only difference is the political party and president behind it. The General responsible for implementing torture under Bush was promoted over Afghanistan by Obama. The elections have been rigged at least since 2004 and most likely before that. Do you really believe that Bush was elected for a second term? There was too much controversy surrounding that election.

Schneier On Self-Enforcing Protocols 207

Hollow Being writes "In an essay posted to Threatpost, Bruce Schneier makes the argument that self-enforcing protocols are better suited to security and problem-solving. From the article: 'Self-enforcing protocols are safer than other types because participants don't gain an advantage from cheating. Modern voting systems are rife with the potential for cheating, but an open show of hands in a room — one that everyone in the room can count for himself — is self-enforcing. On the other hand, there's no secret ballot, late voters are potentially subjected to coercion, and it doesn't scale well to large elections. But there are mathematical election protocols that have self-enforcing properties, and some cryptographers have suggested their use in elections.'"

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