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Comment Re:Sad Puppies (Score 1) 231

Thank you for specifying the very distinct difference between Sad and Rabid puppies. Unfortunately, they all get lumped together whenever you have the gall to dislike one of the award winning books. I didn't even know about the Sad Puppies until I read two Hugo winning books in a row that I felt were quite boring and only seemed to exist to extol the virtues of gender neutrality. I don't have a problem with gender issues being a core theme of a book, but it should not be poorly written and uninteresting. There were numerous amazing books that I had read from the same year but almost none of them had won awards. I searched the internet to find out why I didn't like the Hugo winning books and discovered that a lot of people agreed with me.

IMHO most of the awards will become marginalized as people increasingly rely upon sources like GoodReads. I've had a great deal more success by reading reviews from people who share my opinion on other books.

Comment Re:US states (Score 1) 226

Huntsville is actually a perfect example of why this trend is independent of education level and has more to do with specialization. Here's an article about why Curse gaming moved a large portion of it's workforce from Huntsville to Irvine, CA.

Curse wanted to be closer to their customers and have access to more employment candidates. Huntsville is a great place for government related technology but there are numerous places in CA that are better for consumer technology. Putting more money into education doesn't fix this, it's just the nature of specialized industries.

Comment Re:Really deaths from NOx? (Score 1) 109

Using this same logic I can create ridiculous "facts" too.

Consuming 6 liters of water in one hour can cause water intoxication and death.
Americans drink an average of 42 gallons of water per year.
42 gallons per year * 316 million people * 3.78 liters per gallon / 6 liters / 8760 hours in a year = 954,493 people killed by drinking water in the US * each year.

* (results do not account for water quality in Flint, MI)

Comment Nothing can prevent vulnerabilities (Score 2) 214

Open source vehicle code isn't about preventing vulnerabilities, it's about allowing owners to fix issues that the manufacturer does not fix. In the US an auto manufacturer is only required to perform recalls for 10 years after the initial sale of a vehicle. There are plenty of well maintained vehicles over 10 years old but if a new vulnerability were discovered in the software then the owner would have no way to get it fixed. If the software were open source then it would likely be fixed by someone other than the manufacturer and the owner could take the car to any shop to have the patch installed. Perhaps there needs to be a regulation requiring auto manufacturers to open source all of the code if they have not fixed a vulnerability within a set period of time. This would allow them to fix it and protect their code or force them to let someone else fix it if they don't want to do it.

Comment Re:Buy APs, not Wireless Routers (Score 1) 77

Except that openwrt does not work reliably with any 802.11AC routers which are the entire topic of this article. This lends even more credit to the advice of separating the two since newer wireless protocols/chipsets take much longer to develop stable open source drivers. However, even a 5 year old router with DD-WRT can do a great job as a router up to 100Mb which is enough for nearly all home internet connections. So load an older but very stable router with DD-WRT then get a newer access point which can support the higher wireless speeds.

Comment Re:10 Mbps (Score 1) 280

5Mbps is plenty for most people as long as they actually get 5Mbps all the time. The problem is that most providers only sell the maximum speed but can't provide this during peak hours. AT&T received billions of taxpayer dollars to install rural broadband but pocketed the money and only used the pre-existing DSL infrastructure instead. They upped the last mile connection to 3Mbps without upgrading the backbone so they technically achieved the required speed for the grants but only at 4am on a Wednesday with a full moon during a power outage.

Comment Re:Daredevil... (Score 2) 216

extended punchfests reminiscent of '60's Batman Pow! Blam! Zowie! kitsch

I'm glad you said this. I have actually found myself fast forwarding many shows lately while making the batman kerPOW sounds out loud. Agents of Shield is the worst about this and I'm on the verge of not watching it anymore. Comic book movies got popular again because Joss Whedon knows how to write dialog and emphasize characters. In most of his work the fight scenes are used the emphasize the emotions behind the dialog that continues throughout the scene. Other directors have misunderstood why Avengers is so popular and are just spitting out boring martial arts scenes with shallow representations of beloved characters.

Comment Re:ipfw/dummynet (Score 1) 60

This was also my first thought. However, a simpler tool is beneficial for phone app developers since many of them don't understand the technical differences between 3g/4g/satellite internet/cable/oversubscribed cable/etc. Each of these situations provides unique combinations of bandwidth, latency, and packet loss that require manual tuning from the command line in dummy net to simulate. The great majority of people, even many developers, just think in terms of "speed" and not the basic networking conditions that result in the end product of "speed". Being able to click a button for "over subscribed cable connection" is much easier for the average (below average maybe) phone app developer.

Comment Re:There are! (Score 1) 348

You're right about the fake openings but it's not a conspiracy to justify H1B's.

It's the result of government contracting rules which state that a company must have enough workforce to fulfill a contract when they submit a bid. Unfortunately, having an open position for hire counts towards this so companies have thousands of "available" jobs that are dependent upon contract award. With countless companies bidding for the same jobs using the same tactics a single government contract can generate many thousands of job openings that don't really exist and will never be filled. You could argue that these rules are a conspiracy to allow H1B's but many of those jobs aren't even available to non-citizens.

Comment Will cost FAR more for the same thing (Score 2) 448

Consider the Comcast policy for low cap internet as an excellent example. All plans are capped at 300GB. If you don't need that much you can reduce the cap to 5GB and get a massive $5 discount off the base price of the plan. However, under the reduced plan each GB over 5 costs a dollar per GB. If you get back up to 300GB that would cost you $295 for the same data that only saved you $5 when it was removed.

Savings per GB reduction $0.02
Cost per GB added $1.00

This is the actual pricing plan currently offered by Comcast so let's try substituting Channels for GB and see what that does for the price.

If this same ratio were applied to channels then you would save 2 cents for each unbundled channel you removed but have to pay a dollar for each channel you want. As with the internet plan the base price would still apply even with no channels so let's do an estimate. Let's say you pay $50 a month for 100 channels. Removing ALL of the channels at 2 cents per channel would save you $2 for a plan price of $48.

This means that for the exact same price as your bundle you can now only have 2 channels. Going back to all the channels you had in the bundle would cost you $148 for the same service you previously got for $50.

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