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Comment Maybe, but... (Score 1) 612

Of all the offenses betwixt the USA and Iran, I'd posit that the balance isn't even close to parity. The Iranians have a lot of IOU's due against the US. [Like enough to use one every day for a century.]

This has little to do with payback, there are no external gains for revenge against the US. These episodes serve only to serve as a distractiong for the horrible mismanagement of Iran's resources and infrastructure by the current Iranian government.

The Iranian government must wave the flag and strive for nationalistic sentiment otherwise the Iranian people would start to realize that if they actually had a job to go to they wouldn't be standing around at 11am watching this all play out on their neighbor's TV set.

Comment Trojan horse? (Score 1) 612

When this is all declassified in 50 years, it will be amusing to learn this was a Trojan horse used to probe Iran's electronic warfare capacities and testing locations as a prelued to more focused intelligence gathering.

What intelligence agency wouldn't be interested in knowing where Iran does its secret device testing?

Comment Mod up parent (Score 1) 548

You are totally correct. If you cut a top US banker's salary or compensation, he'll just go to Singapore or Hong Kong and get paid what the global market allows.

You are all trying to pass this off as captalism, but it would be more accurate to describe this as simple supply and demand for valuable sales and client managment staffing.

Comment You are arguing for the dismantling of the FDIC? (Score 1) 548

Where was this businessman you were talking to from anyway? Nigeria? Do you know how many millions of consumers would have sustained direct losses by the bank failures in the last 3 years absent that protection?

Most industrial states provide some kind of deposit backing for the general population. Primarily because it does an effective job of protecting the population from risks taken by bankers and it does so by making all banks responsible for the failures in an indirect way. Removing that insurance isn't going to make the banks stop taking risks, it will only pass the risk to general population in a very direct manner.

The FDIC gets its pool of cash, which it uses to cover the losses for the banks it takes over, largely through fees extracted per dollar, per month, per bank. That's right, your bank pays a monthly insurance premium for holding your money. The bank then passes it directly or indirectly back to their consumer or business.

And the system has worked well for what it does, the last 3 years have proved this repeatedly. Even with the major increase in bank failures over the last 3 years, I didn't lose any money when the credit union across the street from my house became insolvant.

Some people have been concerned about the FDIC becoming insolvant (running out of cash to pay the depository losses of the failed banks), but so far that has not materialized as a real issue. And even if it did, the Fed would just give the FDIC a loan which they would quickly pay back with the fees they get each month.

Comment Re:WoW is not the future of cyberspace (Score 1) 176

Having there just be one Metaverse (as Snow Crash seems to imply) is totally unrealistic, because there will (obviously?!) be so many different visions and agendas for what a metaverse should be. (And even if you limit the discussion to commercial exploitation, that includes deeply incompatible agendas, such as "my profit" vs "your profit.") Not that some won't be very popular, but there will never be one-size-fits-all. It's just human nature that no matter what you have, even if it gets a large userbase, there must be people who say, "This MUD is lame" or "This cabal is comprised of lamers" followed by "I'm going to make my own which fixes some problems."

Stephenson actually deals with these aspect pretty early on in the novel. Differences in access quality as well as conflicts between implementing agencies are all discussed in detail. They even become central to some of the plot movements in the last part of the book in the Metaverse-embodied conflict with a nuclear-laden Raven.

I suggest you read Snow Crash again and when you do consider the historical context in which it was written. The man is quite visionary.

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