Yea I have to agree with that settlement. Qidi and Creality, while not really bottom of the barrow, requires quite a bit of community support when things go wierd. You do have Ultimaker out there, but they seem to hunt for the high end market, priced WAY beyond what Prusa did and with less features. Prusa just works out of the box but the style is a bit older.
Then you look at the Bambu and out of the gate its flying. Take it out, put it down and print WITH the AMS. It shows the market had been waiting for a "take out and print" printer for a while. Its just.... no reputation? I have the Mk2.5->Mk4 MMU3S, and I have to say with the years I have been with Prusa has been good. I have seen a lot of these fly by night 3D printer companies who make a good printer, but then jump ship once it gets hard. I am not saying Bambu is like that but the Prusa Core One looks like it will give them a run for their money.