Corollary: send a mirror copy of all data to See if we can cause two incidents at the same time.
That won't be necessary since if you're using AT&T a copy is automatically sent to the Feds.
Because people 'feel entitled' to have what they want when they want it, and if they can't get it for free, 'they'll steal it.' It's become customary to expect a somewhat limited perspective on things from old-world entertainment companies
While I don't necessarily agree with his conclusion that nothing good has come from the internet, I agree with this statement 100%. A lot of people do feel entitled to take whatever they want when it comes to digital content on the internet. Of course there is good on the Internet, but the selfishness and lack of ethics in society that manifests itself on the Internet is a very real and undeniable evil. It is that which sometimes gives the Internet a bad reputation among some industries.
The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra