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Comment Re:are the freight rail lines going to add power t (Score 2) 169

Another use for an on board battery pack is for pulling away from stations. That takes a serious amperage compared to running at a constant speed between stations. There was a line in the UK (since upgraded) where only two relatively short trains were allowed to be on a 60 mile stretch of track at any one time because if you added a third it wouldn't be able to restart after the first station stop.

Comment UK comparison (Score 1) 144

18 months ago we put my mothers flat on the market. Estate agent (who was our next door neighbour growing up) did a flat rate fee of £1800, discounted from £3000, on a £150,000 asking price so effectively 2% dropped to 1.2%. There was a payment to solicitors for the legal work when it sold that I can't fnd, but it was in the region of a few hundred only.

Comment Re:lack of foresight (Score 3, Informative) 314

USB Micro was never mandated, it was a strong reccomendation that most manufacturers chose to follow to avoid legislation. Certain manufacturers chose not to, so now we have the legislation. If something better comes along in ten years time, as USB-C did, then it allows for the standard to be updated.

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