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Comment Re:I love our goverment (Score 1) 281

I agree in that it would be necessary for parents to decide whether or not kids can or cannot get violent games and watch rated R movies, this is more of a case of government sponsoring of forced parental knowledge of their children buying bloody games. And while it is helpful for parents, if you pay attention to parents, and watch the news, there is one overall problem in the way they see things. To them they see people killed on the news, see about people raped on the news, and then it all gets blamed incorectly on video games and such. While I guess it is possible for there to be a connetion, the connection is only possible when the children are already disturbed and already do violent things. I really dont see video games causing violence. Children commiting acts of violence already combined with video games might have an effect, but that is the fault of the way they grew up, and is also partially the fault of the parents, so I do not see how disallowing the children to get violent games will do much. It will just cause more parents to refuse to buy games because they are rated M, which they would have never paid attention to before. And while it is there perogative, I think it would be better placed elsewhere...


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