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Comment Meh, I'm holding off my panic.... (Score 1, Interesting) 302

Until we see exactly how the fatality rate changes. Testing is a lot more abundant than it has been, so obviously cases are going to go up compared the summer or spring. Not that increased cases is *good* or anything, but its not really fair to compare this to the previous wave where testing was more limited, and done on people who were more likely to be showing symptoms.

Comment A Better Idea (Score 1) 234

Better: ditching DST. Possibly even better: using universal time for everywhere. Sure, it would be weird at first. Maybe where you are the sun would rise at 3 PM in the summer and set at 5 AM. Maybe your store is open during the day but for you that happens to be 11 PM to 1 PM. But people would quickly get used to it wherever they are. Time is just a number, and it's easy for people to adjust to new numbers if you dive in head first. And if it's 1 AM everywhere at the same time, that makes programming easier. And you don't need to worry about if somewhere is a day ahead or not. Sure, you still need to figure out when a business would open and close many time zones away... but we have to do that now anyways. Wouldn't it be easier to just look up on Google when a business's hours are and not have to convert it to your time?

Comment Re:Not really surprised... (Score 1) 103

I'm not ignoring that. My complaint isn't about facts being objective.

Let's say I want to go on Facebook and say that Facebook does not pay it's employees enough. Facebook decides this isn't true and removes my post. Well this is not really an objective fact, its a matter of opinion. And I don't want Facebook deciding that some opinions are wrong and others are right.

"Facebook and others are no obligation to amplify any statement made on their platforms"

I am not arguing that they do have an obligation. They have every right to remove content from their platforms. What I am saying is I don't want Facebook to be able to deem an opinion "wrong" and therefor remove it.

Comment Re:Not really surprised... (Score 2) 103

I mean, I also don't want Facebook being the de facto authority on what is proper information and what is disinformation. I'd rather be presented with multiple sides on something where I can decide which one (if any) is right rather than have some giant faceless entity choose for me, leaving me helpless to trust they are unbiased in said decision.

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