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Comment Re:20-40 terabytes? (Score 1) 200

I agree that the average home user does not need 20TB for themselves but that's likely not the market they are looking to target. Most companies need backup and data storage. The average company should have Primary storage, backup storage +history copies, and off site copies. If the average user generates 50gb of data and you have a company of 500 people you are now needing at least 24tb in 3 different places..... Add in graphics or CAD users into this mix and storage grows fast, a medium sized company can have over 1 petabyte of storage very quickly. 20TB drives would really shrink the physical size of large storage arrays.

Comment situation not stress (Score 1) 238

What's wrong with asking the person what's wrong and determining priority based on situation not how much the person freaks out. I have known people to get stressed out and screaming about scratch, while other people like a faller I knew called on the cb radio calm as can be that he hates to bug people but could someone drive him to the hospital he just had the chainsaw go though half his leg and he can't hit the gas pedal to drive himself.

Comment security fixes or hacking guidelines (Score 0, Redundant) 84

unless the patch breaks something which you should test in a test lab you should apply most patches, and half of the releases that explain what it fixes explain how to take advantage of any computers that don't use this patch, if it's a serious threat then it might be better to let people protect themselves before you tell the hackers how to use that exploit.

Submission + - IT Repair installs webcam spying software (groundreport.com)

Vapon writes: A lady noticed her computer was running slower after she had brought her computer in to be repaired. She took the computer to a second repair shop where they found that one of the problems was that her webcam would turn on whenever it detected her around and was taking photo's and uploading it to a website. The repair technician that installed the software has done this to at least 10 woman and has photos of at least one undressing.

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