These thing are amazing, the server room at work has boxes of them I have one for my personal keyboard. You can also get them from Lenovo here (This is the full flavour version you can also get a compact version as well). A bit pricey they are, but when you can kick back, put you hand on the keyboard and never have to have them leave it is just heaven, not to mention that you don't need a flat space or space at all to move your mouse. They do take geting use to but all who I have got to try them have never looked back.
Well yes, of course
Ubuntu 8.10, you can get it here:
Odd, when I did the search, the top 2 results were selling your book next 3 being universities using it for courses then it was a mix of the torrents and legal references.
Maybe you need to distribute it via a different mechanism, we are all techies that sit and consume digital media while some of us do enjoy the feel and smell of processed dead trees not all of us do.
So I would go with ether a digital distribution or an online ad driven reference would probably be greatly used.
$70 to a student is expense, especially when one can get it for $20 used or free for those who will use it less on line to which ether you will not see any money.
BTW, I do have a dead tree copy of the book and was useful and interesting enough that it was not resold at the end of the term.
ah... there sill trying to convince us it is an open license.
I agree it is no different except in one small but important point.
Software that is being used to make money (part or in a business setting) or in the case of a school used in a public setting is equivalent to someone reselling music or DVD's or doing a public broadcast of a show without the rights to do so.
I think most of Slashdot would agree that this is illegal and morally wrong whether it is software or music.
Now the other case which you are using referring to pirated music for individual does get ambiguous for both software and music. I would go as far to say even it is not looked upon generally and morally wrong. I most cases the companies in question realize it is not worth there time and these people are just customers in training.
I will be the first to admit it, that when I was in school I pirated both software and music. Now I am in a business environment and for my self that I have the money to buy the software, I do pay for it. It also probably the only reason I insisted that the company I work for get a certain IDE instead of using eclipse and I have Photoshop instead of GIMP. I do love the FOSS alternative but they are just not the same.
Just a quick replay to your first point.
where have you been the past year? Canada
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson