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Comment Re:Really that big deal? (Score 2, Interesting) 589

According to this web site ( approximately 15.5 million U.S. households watch TV over the air exclusively - presumably receiving analog (NTSC) signals. So a significant number of households will be affected. But they've already delayed the digital TV switch over once. I would recommend that they free up the necessary funds to provide the coupons for the folks who need them.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Top 10 April Fools Stories

ddelmonte writes: "Yahoo News ( tyleaprilfoolmediaholidayoffbeat;_ylt=AiB2WDfNIRFu kGxgROHj_pnMWM0F) has made a roundup of the top 10 April Fools stories, at least of recent years. I personally think we're in the midst of one of the longest running AF stories of all time. He lives down the street on Pa Ave."
User Journal

Journal Journal: DRM and the Corporate Dream

So I've been thinking about why there's this big push for DRM. The line sold to the public is that the media companies need this to prevent copyright infringement of their works. The story goes that without _effective_ copyright protection, the incentive to produce good artistic works is diminished, and therefore, good art won't get made.


Firewall Recommendations? 181

anomalous cohort asks: "The company that I work for is looking at upgrading to a proper firewall (sadly, we use only the MS-ISA server now). Our I.T. guy is ready to recommend Fortigate [45]00a. Ours is a small company with about a dozen employees and about 400 customers. Does anybody have any experiences, good or bad, with these two products or with the Fortinet company? Are there any recommended firewalls (outside of Cisco's) that we should seriously look at?"

Submission + - Getting the most out of a CS degree?

Henry writes: "In September I start on a CS-type degree course. I am probably a fairly typical newbie programmer, in that most of my knowledge centers around scripting and high to very high level programming. Apart from the obvious — write lots of code — what can I do in the coming months to maximize what I get out of this? There's much to choose from: languages, concepts, mathematics and so on. From previous stories I know that many Slashdotters have strong opinions on the failings and weaknesses of university courses and students, so please feel free to let it all out."

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"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
