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Comment Age (Score 1) 540

I retired because I was turning 70. There have been comments about age discrimination in "resource actions" at the company where I worked for over 34 years, but my impression was that it was more "senior employee discrimination". I.e. the longer you work in a place, the more connections you have and therefore the more "dotted line" or "implicit" obligations you have that never show up on performance plans/evaluations or at least are more difficult to quantify. Anyway, I had held on long enough.

Comment Re:What it should have added... (Score 1) 127

As others have pointed out Groklaw provided ongoing coverage of SCO vs the universe matters until August, 2013. At that point PJ gave up the ghost and quit running Groklaw. Groklaw's SCO vs IBM timeline continued to be updated with documents, including the summary judgement decision that was just overturned and returned to the district court for trial. That opinion has a decent history of the case with regards to SCO's only remaining claim against IBM.

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UncleJosh writes: At the end of last October, the 10th Circuit issued an opinion overturning the lower court's summary judgement in favor of IBM on one of SCO's claims, sending it back to the lower court for trial. Shortly thereafter, IBM filed for a re-hearing en banc. On January 2nd, the 10th circuit essentially denied IBM's request, issuing a slightly revised opinion with the same conclusions and result. Here is the Slashdot article on the October 2017 ruling.

Comment Full Text Worth Reading (Score 5, Interesting) 67

Full text (PDF) of the Amicus Brief is worth reading and not that long. Excerpts "The Eastern District has adopted certain procedural rules that benefit patent owners—particularly those with weak patents and no products—to the detriment of small innovators and those accused of infringement. These rules drive up costs to defendants and work to increase settlement pressure untethered to the merits of a particular claim for patent infringement." and "These rules, although facially neutral, give significant advantages to patent owners with minimal assets, dubious patents or infringement claims, or a goal of extracting undeserved settlements."

Comment Selective breeding, an extreme form of evolution? (Score 2) 282

Consider dogs (all breeds derived from wolves several thousand years ago) and foxes the genetic basis has been studied and similar studies have been done on other domestic animals. The chicken This type of "evolution" is really just exploitation of existing genetic variation within a species.

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