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Comment Re:Gotham (Score 1) 58

And today's "The Los Angeles Angles of Anaheim" continues flying that banner. "The The Angels Angels of Anaheim" if you translated "Los Angeles" to English. But they're not the only ones. "La Brea" is "the tar", so we also have "The The Tar Tar Pits" in "The La Brea Tar Pits.". (never mind that Anaheim isn't even in Los Angeles County)

Comment Re:Pertinent part of the article (Score 1) 187

You misinterpret the ICAO requirement. It only states that English be made available and be spoken proficiently on both the pilot and controller side. It does not say it must be used. "shall demonstrate language proficiency" not "shall be used". Find me a quote in 164 that says "English shall be used." You can't.

The first sentence "Therefore, pilots on international flights shall demonstrate language proficiency in either English or the language used by the station on the ground."

In other words, if you don't speak the local language, English is the default for both sides, that way a German pilot in Russia can drop to English if he or she doesn't speak Russian. Or he can use Russian if he knows it.


Comment Re:! surprising (Score 1) 762

You haven't bought a car in California recently?

There are Prop 65 stickers on car windows already. "This car contains and is manufactured with stuff that gives you cancer."

I bought a car a month ago and that sticker didn't even make it off the lot before I took it off. One on the driver's side and one on the passenger side.

Comment Re:Burnt out (Score 1) 357

You'd have to have a hell of a lot of built-up voltage to jump through the plastic casing, through the air gap to the non-grounded metal on the PC board, and then from there across the air gap to the USB grounding shield.

It's not the direct zap from your finger, it's the induced charge.

You're negatively charged, and hold one end of the USB stick. The EM field you are generating pushes all the positive charge to the other end of the stick. Usually the USB plug.

Your stick approaches the USB port, which is neutral and/or grounded and the positive end of the USB stick discharges through whatever you plugged it into.

It is even worse with grounded materials. Bring a positive charge near something grounded, and all the positive charges run away into the ground. Unground the device when the positive charged object is still around and now your device is net negatively charged. Plug that device into something and *zap*, ESD.

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