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Comment Re:Lies (Score 0) 266

PTSD is a "disease" that people under stress find within themselves because they've been taught the symptoms. In the Civil War soldiers would clutch their chests and fall to the ground in pain. In WW1 soldiers would have spasmodic body movements that would incapacitate them for months, (videos available on YouTube). People in non western countries during natural disasters show none of the western PTSD symptoms. Drug companies don't just provide the treatment, they manufacture the disease.

Comment Re:Audacious (Score 1) 332

Audacious can use any of the skins from the sites that offer Winamp skins, and also skins generated by Skinamp.exe under Wine. Audacious also has an installer for those using windows.

Comment Re: the hard part (Score 1) 93

Most medical studies are critically flawed because drug companies pay for the research. Researchers who provide results favorable to the sponsor's needs may get further research underwritten, be appointed to prestigious positions, be invited to all expenses paid conferences, be wined and dined and offered the attentions of beautiful women. Those who report unfavorable results get nothing.

Comment Re:Dreams (Score 1) 93

Dreams aren't generated in one place. Your brain is blind and contructs your reality for you from incoming data. For everything that passes there are multiple possible interpretations, and most of the time it gets things right. When you're asleep and dreaming your brain constructs a reality without the sensory inputs to reference. "Healthy" brains construct a model that works well with the outside world. For each situation a range of choices is offered and your frontal lobes choose the most likely. That "best match" is what you experience as reality. Schizophrenics have real problems constructing a good match... Highly creative people carry the schizotypal gene and are more likely to find novel ways to order the data.

Comment Re:This opinion isn't new and is still wrong. (Score 1) 411

Windows vs Linux... In Win 10 you can get an Ubuntu linux subsystem through Settings, Update and Security, For Developers, Use Developer Features, Developer mode. Apparently you can even install X and run Gui apps. Says a lot when Windows developers prefer to do their work from within a hosted linux environment.

Comment Arch (Score 1) 224

With Arch you're expected to figure things out for yourself, and yes, that can be a pain, but its the best way to learn... Also odd to read about all the security tools in Parrot OS. Last time I looked they had somewhere around 100 tools. Blackarch currently has 1312 tools and you can easily install any or all of them on any Arch dist of your choice.

Comment Re:Here It Comes... (Score 1) 151

PTSD... In the US Civil war affected soldiers would suddenly clasp their chests in pain and fall to the ground, unable to move. In WW1 some soldiers would develop dramatic spasmodic ticks and jerks that would persist for months, (videos of such patients on YouTube). Everyone is familiar with the modern symptoms... What we have is energy looking for expression and patients express according to their expectations. The energy is real, the expression is learned. PTSD is a psychosomatic illness.

Comment Re:Lead? (Score 1) 105

"believed to be caused by a buildup of plaques and tangles in the brain", but on autopsy the brains of lots of people who had dementia show no such plaque, while lots who had no sign of dementia did have plaque. The focus on a physical cause suits the disease biases of doctors and the financial interests of big drug companies. But there are other models. Seniors are excluded from their families and stripped of any productive activity. They then lose track because keeping track no longer matters.

Comment Re:How dare they hack NY Times reporters! (Score 1) 61

Reds under the bed! Who gains from this story? Can't see why the Russians would waste their time on the NYT, but the NSA, DHS etc would. Blaming the Russians for what they themselves are doing is very much their kind of thing. We'll see if the story morphs in other directions that help with their agenda, like blaming encryption.

Comment Re:An easier sollution (Score 1) 1144

"Outlawing religion seems a better bet"... No religion necessary for Sandy Hook, Columbine, Washington Navy Yard, Virginia Tech, Aurora Colorado. etc, etc. The common element is guns, although guns aren't the cause of the behaviour. Mass shootings trigger a huge emotional convulsion in society and I think that's what the killers really want to trigger... the Oprah effect.

Comment Re:example of his "sophisticated political views"? (Score 1) 123

My understanding of the political views of Hacking Team and FinFisher is that they have none. They appear to be motivated purely by profit. The people identified by their software are often tortured and murdered, but we're to believe that's OK because for these guys its only business? Not without precedent, of course, IBM reportedly provided early computer systems to the Nazis before and during WW2 that was used to organize the holocaust.

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