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Submission + - EFF Files Amicus Brief in Google v. Oracle (

Areyoukiddingme writes: EFF has filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court in Google v. Oracle arguing that APIs are not copyrightable.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that functional aspects of Oracle’s Java programming language are not copyrightable, and even if they were, employing them to create new computer code falls under fair use protections.

Oral arguments before the US Supreme Court are scheduled for March 2020.

Comment Cart, meet horse. (Score 1) 54

People don't get Netflix because it has (had) The Office. They watch The Office because they already have Netflix and it's a low-risk investment of viewing time. Half the stuff Netflix pushes isn't any good and you don't want to give up 90 minutes of your life to find that out. Watching Steve Carell is guaranteed entertainment, assuming you like that sort of thing.

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