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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Good sprint, but does Apple have stamina?   *Thursday June 14, 2007 @03:25PM 1 2, Interesting
   attached to Safari 3 Beta Updated, Security Problems Fixed
Multicore programming plus MPI  *Tuesday April 03, 2007 @03:19PM 2 1
   attached to Journal Discussion: Parallel Programming
Breaking Nokia phones  *Wednesday January 10, 2007 @04:05PM 1 1
   attached to How Apple Kept the iPhone Secret
Hate to love, love to hate  *Monday October 09, 2006 @02:42PM 1 3, Insightful
   attached to Vista RC2: More Refined, But Still Not Perfect
What is coming next  *Tuesday August 29, 2006 @04:08PM 6 3, Funny
   attached to Heinlein's Last Novel Coming in September
Semantic web is currently fragile technology  *Wednesday July 19, 2006 @01:56AM 2 5, Interesting
   attached to Challenging the Ideas Behind the Semantic Web
Managing space debris  *Monday July 17, 2006 @08:07AM 4 2, Insightful
   attached to Inflatable Space Station Prototype a Success
Great news for the low end systems  *Friday July 14, 2006 @03:13AM 2 1
   attached to Intel's Core 2 Desktop Processors Tested
Re:Organize meetings walking  *Wednesday July 19, 2006 @05:23AM  1
Organize meetings walking  *Friday July 14, 2006 @01:36AM 1 1
   attached to Standing While Working Results in Better Work?
What about the unparalleled power of the brain?  *Thursday July 13, 2006 @10:14AM 5 4, Interesting
   attached to DARPA's Cortically-Coupled Computer Vision System
Anonymity - the other side of authentication  *Tuesday July 11, 2006 @05:58AM  2
   attached to Phishers Defeat Citibank's 2-Factor Authentication
The power of the powerful  *Friday July 07, 2006 @03:35PM  0, Offtopic
   attached to The Plot To Hijack Your Hard Drive
The Finnish language - written as spoken  *Thursday July 13, 2006 @10:08AM  1
   attached to Is Simplified Spelling Worth Reform?
Portfolio of 14,000 patents  *Friday April 07, 2006 @01:04AM 1 2, Informative
   attached to Lucent Sues Microsoft, Wants All 360s Recalled
How about adding an inkjet printer?  *Monday January 09, 2006 @11:33AM 1 2, Funny
   attached to Crossing America on a Segway
That European country is Finland  *Monday January 09, 2006 @05:45AM  0, Offtopic
   attached to Europe Warms to Nuclear Power
Reliability varies - what about Intel-Macs?  *Tuesday January 03, 2006 @04:57PM 6 2, Interesting
   attached to Apple Laptop Reliability Survey
Lessons of history - Finland's access to internet  *Friday December 30, 2005 @10:43AM 3 5, Interesting
   attached to How The U.S. Government Undermined the Internet
Helping friends and relatives with Windows?  *Friday December 30, 2005 @10:37AM 1 1
   attached to Windows XP Flaw 'Extremely Serious'
Net - wide open frontier for lawyers  *Wednesday December 21, 2005 @05:39PM  1
   attached to Juniper Sues Message Board Posters
Spin doctors and the popularity of politicians  *Monday December 12, 2005 @03:01AM  1
   attached to NewsWeek Looks at Search Engine Optimization
The more we know, the more we know we don't know  *Thursday December 08, 2005 @06:19AM 8 3, Interesting
   attached to Scientists Unlock Reasons Cancer Spreads
Better music recommendations, anyone?  *Tuesday November 29, 2005 @11:54AM 1 2, Interesting
   attached to Pandora Radio from Music Genome Project

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
