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Comment Absolute Clusterfuck Launch (Score 5, Informative) 36

Total amateur hour of a launch! Sitting at only 43% (and falling) positive reviews on Steam, nearly all of the negative reviews are related to being unable to log in and lag.

Of all things, you'd think a gaming unit with presumably deep access to the talent at AWS would have sorted this out.

Comment Re:Must be nice to be as selfish as the google (Score 1) 62

Congratulations. This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen on Slashdot, and I've been here for 20+ years.

Would you call people who get vaccinations selfish because there are people who are unable to get them due to allergy or other medical conditions? No, right? This is no conceptually different. People who are capable of working from home, but continue to go into work, unnecessarily increase the probability of spreading the virus. That right there, would actually selfish, as it does not consider the impact on those that cannot stay home due to the nature of their job and to those who are severely at risk (aged 70+).

Comment Blogspam (Score 3, Informative) 101

Provided link is blogspam. Original source:

My personal experience syncs with this.

I recently completed a 10-day Vipassana course meditation course. ~10 hours of seated meditation per day, quite a struggle at first. Midway through the course, you are tasked with sitting for an hour straight without moving, 3 times per day. At first I thought this task impossible, as after 10 minutes my knees and ankles would start hurting terribly from sitting in the lotus position.

However, with practice over just a few sessions, I learned to observe the pain with equanimity, and my obsession with the pain dissipated. The pain was very much still there, but it didn't both me. It was an incredible experience.

Comment Won't work (Score 3, Insightful) 175

This won't work for many of the most popular types of games, including FPS. WASD + mouse input will always outperform dual joysticks.

Also, I'll be damned, as a PC player, that I want to hear chatter from 12 year old kids rattling on about my mother's vagina. Because of the price point of PC systems, there seems to just be far fewer twits like that.

Comment Misleading conclusion (Score 5, Informative) 296

Misleading summary and conclusion from a website that with a subtitle of, "Did we ban men yet."

Direct quote from the study:

The average dollar investment in businesses with a woman on the management team was slightly higher for all three years during 2011â"2013, $12 million for those with women, $8 million for those with no women.

Comment Uber needs to create a "win" scenario (Score 1) 154

Uber does a poor job with how they present their pricing. They need to reboot how they present it. You cannot just increase prices, no matter how justifiable it is, without feeling backlash from consumers, because this create a "loss" scenario for them, for which there is no "win" to contrast it.

Uber should increase their baseline pricing 400% and offer a 75% discount during non-surge/off-peak times. They should make sure the consumer is well aware of this whenever they ride. eg: "Fair cost: $80. Off-peak discount: $60. Amount due: $20" This is a win, and will be something Uber users feel good about for 95% of their trips.

During surge pricing, you remove the discount. Now this isn't a loss from a consumer's perspective - it's just "normal" pricing.

Comment Re:What has happened to Slashdot? (Score 1) 425

While Slashdot has certainly been influenced by the Reddit-esque meme generation, it certainly remains one of the better places for well-thought commentary on tech. It's weathered pretty well in my opinion.

Hacker News has defended itself pretty well against this so far. I wonder how much more difficult that will become as it grows in popularity.

Comment Re:What "ass"tounding value (Score 3, Interesting) 43

You clearly have no clue what OpenTable is and what it solves.

It's a seating and reservation management platform - an essential need for the vast majority of non-casual restaurants. It's implemented as a hardware/software solution that they install on premise, so it works without a network connection.

In urban markets, they are pretty much a de facto standard, despite being expensive and archaic. Their website and mobile apps drive so many reservations that restaurant managers are more than willing to pay the hefty fees. Those consist of an installation fee (hundreds $), monthly maintenance fee (hundreds $), and per-reservation fee ($1 - $10 per PERSON).

As a technologist working in the restaurant industry, I really dislike them because both their consumer and front of house software sucks so much. That said, they're a real business, with real revenue, solving real problems, for real customers. So yeah, go make a "website for hipsters" and wait for your $2.6bn payout, since it's so easy.

Comment Re:No. (Score 2, Interesting) 1012

What happened in the 90's would imply that the potential market for currently non-Apple users who want to run MacOS on non-Apple hardware is smaller than the pool of current Apple users who would switch to other hardware if provided an easy route. That means loss of market share in their own market.

I'd wager to say that it's probably not much different now.

Comment No. (Score 4, Insightful) 1012

Apple learned it's lesson in the 90's when it licensed MacOS. While the hope was that the licensees would expand MacOS market share, it instead only whittled away at Apple's own market share. I was an example myself - I have a PowerComputing system lying around somewhere - and it was a sale that would have gone to Apple were they not in existence.

Additionally, as long as Jobs is at the helm, this will never happen. He's made it very clear that Apple doesn't sell hardware or software, but rather the full experience provided by very good integration between the two.

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