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Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 86

The Unix principle was to keep it simple. GNU/Linux followed those ideals. Systemd is not simple. It goes against the very principles of Unix.

Magic was just that. Who needs extensions?

As a side note: As someone pointed out. Ubuntu already has shell scripts to replace egrep/fgrep. They've been gone a while.

Those who don't grok Unix, almost certainly won't grok, grok?

Comment There may be a problem for some? (Score 1) 169

Look - when you have the skills to see an issue and the experience to know how to overcome it, then this is not really a problem.

If GitHub gets in the way it will be replaced. Git is after all open source.

If VSCode / VSCodium starts to be annoying, likewise. Screw it. You could try Eclipse?

Same with TypeScript. It will just fork if there is a problem. This is the way of open source code.

Learn JavaScript. Learn your favorite basic editor. (vi, vim, ex, ed, nano, emacs, whatever) You are safe for some time.

Don't like what you see - move on.

Oh and npm - who cares? If you built a project that relies too heavily on a package manager then perhaps rethink your decision.

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