Journal Journal: Oh, so that's how it is. 2
So, all my complaining about Slashdot's moderation system is for naught. I just noticed today that there is text on the meta-mod page that says something to the effect of "those meta-modded poorly will cease to be elegible for moderation in the future." So, for something I failed to understand years ago, I've been meta-mod-bitchslapped into forever never moderating again. WAAAH you say? Well, here's my retaliation method against a system that doesn't offer second chances. Firstly, I'm going to poke around and see if I can opt out of meta-moderating. If I can't, then from now on I will meta every mod for great justice adversely.
Edit: Nope, can't opt out of M2 (although you can opt out of M). So, I have a subversive plan in mind. Here's what I'm going to do: I usually post as AC if I think I might have something that can possibly be construed as anything that would result in negative karma. No more. Fuck it. I'm at Excellent, capped out, 50 in old-school-score. So, I'm going to burn it. I'm not going to troll (outright), but I'm going to be as inciniary as possible, offtopic when I feel like it, and extremely overrated. I'm always going to use my bonus modifier. When I hit zero, I'll open a new account.
When / if I ever get to mod again, I'll never mod anything other than over or under rated, as they never hit M2.
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Screw em.