78332333 comment Comment This is great news (Score 1) 80 by Mark Tillison on Saturday November 07, 2015 @03:27PM (#50884361) Attached to: BBC Lets Viewers Buy Shows and Episodes Permanently, But No 'Extras' So, I can buy the entire back catalogue of Blackadder and Red Dwarf? Awesome.
78331961 comment Comment Is someone bored? (Score 3, Interesting) 220 by Mark Tillison on Saturday November 07, 2015 @03:02PM (#50884231) Attached to: The European Commission Is Preparing a Frontal Attack On the Hyperlink Of all of the things on a very long list in Europe and beyond, have these politicians really nothing better to do than this? I can't help but refer back to an old friend of mine who wisely said, "if it doesn't make sense, the answer is money".