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Mac OS X v10.5.8 Ready For Download 152

mysqlbytes writes "Apple has posted an anticipated v10.5.8 patch for Mac OS X, updating a number of components in the operating system, one of their last updates to Leopard. The update brings improvements to Safari, Airport, Bluetooth, among others and rolls out the latest OS X security fixes." Worth glancing at are some of the security-related notes on the update.

Comment Progress = momentum (Score 1) 601

Sit down and force yourself to write something, anything, that moves your project forward in some way. I find that I feel least motivated when I'm being unproductive, which is an unfortunate downward spiral. However, if I can find a way to get things moving again, momentum builds and I'm able to keep working.

Comment Re:Funny... (Score 1) 1134

I've worked with several who weren't quite at the level described in the article, but honestly weren't far behind. Back when the company I'm at was smaller (it's grown more than 10x in size over the duration I've worked here), they had a much easier time getting away with it. Now, we have better managers and better processes that help ensure these people either turn their act around or get kicked out.

Shamefully, I must admit that I nearly become one of these "quirky" developers several years back. I was young and foolish, and had gotten a lot of praise and let it go to my head. There was a turning point, though; I got a fairly negative performance review (delivered clearly but quite tactfully by my reviewer), realized I was going down the wrong path, worked hard to reverse it, and got a glowing review the next time around. So, don't give up on these people; sometimes all they need is a gentle but firm push in the right direction.


iPod Shuffle Finds Its Voice 379

theodp writes "Steve Jobs wasn't around to convince you that you should be impressed, but on Wednesday Apple unveiled a 4GB Shuffle that's half the size of its predecessor. Holding up to 1,000 songs, the pre-shrunk Shuffle sports a 10-hour battery life and also adds a new VoiceOver feature that can recite song titles, artists, and playlist names, as well as provide status information. Even without a show from Steve, the new player is generally leaving folks dazzled, although there are some complaints." Update: 3/14 at 14:10 by SS: Reader Mike points out some disturbing news that the new Shuffle contains DRM which, according to a review at iLounge, prevents it from fully working with any headphones that don't have an Apple "authentication chip."

Making the "Free" Business Model Work In a Tough Economy 188

Randy Savage writes "With venture capital on hold and advertising revenue down, the WSJ discusses where online business models might go. 'Over the past decade, we have built a country-sized economy online where the default price is zero — nothing, nada, zip. Digital goods — from music and video to Wikipedia — can be produced and distributed at virtually no marginal cost, and so, by the laws of economics, price has gone the same way, to $0.00. For the Google Generation, the Internet is the land of the free. '"
The Courts

Apple Believes Someone Is Behind Psystar 606

rgraham writes "From the article on Growler: 'Apple apparently believes that somebody else is behind Psystar, which might help to explain why a major law firm would take on what seems like a fly-by-night's case; also why Psystar has been so bold in continuing to sell its products. I knew this thing felt funny. As Alice in Wonderland might put it, "It gets interestinger and interestinger."'"

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
