Comment that sure is the way to earn some goodwill... (Score 4, Funny) 391
I have to wonder who thought sending Youtube a take-down notice over this video would be a good idea. There are only a few things that almost all online viewers can find amusing or endearing, and one of them is babies doing cute things. The whole idea behind this is so ludicrous that you almost have to think someone sent it to expose the idiocy behind the methods used by the music labels...The only way this could have been a more boneheaded move from a PR standpoint would to have been asking someone to remove a video of a baby playing with a puppy and kitten while creating lolcat pictures while listening to music in the background.
Now, if someone wants to sue the mother for letting her young child dance to Prince, then I am all for that :)
Now, if someone wants to sue the mother for letting her young child dance to Prince, then I am all for that