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Comment Re:Took my kid to the ER last week (Score 1) 94

Children have swallowed CR2032 batteries, and died. Others have suffered horrible injuries when the batteries have got lodged in their throat. None of them were, as far as I am aware, monsters. Airtags (and other bluetooth trackers) are designed to be left attached to objects (keys, bags, even soft toys) and left unobserved. Small children in particular will put anything and everything in their mouths. The problem with the regs in Australia, EU & UK is that the applicable safety standard is open to interpretation about what constitutes a secure battery compartment. The result is that Apple's product is arguably compliant but probably still unsafe. They have prioritised style/ease of use over safety.

Comment Legal safeguards (Score 1) 83

If you have a video camera, or any other medium/device that police believe may contain evidence relating to a crime then the police (via warrant) can obtain it without your consent. If you had a family member who was stabbed outside a house that had a Ring camera then damn right you would expect the police to obtain that footage, whether or not the homeowner wanted to cooperate. Moreover, police can require any business (eg Amazon) to co-operate with their enquiries. If Amazon have the technical ability to access Ring camera footage (live or recorded) remotely then the police (via warrant) could require access to this without the camera owners consent or even knowledge. In the EU at least there are legal safeguards which requires law enforcement to show that obtaining the information is necessary and proportionate. The important thing here is whether the correct legal checks and balances are in place, and whether the public have a good enough understanding of them.

Comment Sounds like a good idea (Score 5, Insightful) 209

It will be interesting to see what kind of formats will be used, exactly how much they charge, and how much DRM they cram into the thing. If they do charge the same cost for downloading a film as the DVD version then where is the incentive to download? Surely the price should be lower to reflect the savings in materials and distribution costs.

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