Comment Re:recruiters (Score 1) 237
Please do! You can participate in my "Buy the book and save my house" campaign. Only thing about that chapter, it actually cost us a lot or PR. Recruiters speak with unemployed people everyday. A few recruiters could push a lot of books. But in keeping with the philosophy of The Layoff Support Network, we remained uncensored and honest. Even if you are employed, you might find some interesting stuff on the site. It is really becoming more about a discussion of what it is like being "middle-class" then just an employment site. Having people open up to me about their finances (which is against American culture ... unless you are bragging) provided me with so much in site that I might write a book just on that. We (the middle-class) are really the backbone of the U.S. In return, we reap very few of the benefits. And when we fall out of the system (i.e., unemployment) regardless of how much we have contributed, there is very little help.