Comment Re:Self regulation = no regulation (Score 1) 75
I understand a lot of self regulation has failed, but it can work if there is fear of external regulation.
It has been proven time and time again that if everybody drove the same speed, as indicated by people who are smarter then you, traffic would flow a lot more smoothly
You do realize the posted speed limit is lower than the speed recommended by people who are smarter than [i]you[/i], right? (Do you automatically assume that we're all dimwitted?)
Ignore the above point, really, I don't care about surface streets. On most surface streets, I stick to the posted speed limits anyway. However, state speed limits (IE max of 65 in california) has [i]nothing[/i] to do with road conditions. Do you even know why they put that speed limit, or are you just being a righteous prick? (Here's a hint, it wasn't added for safety). Freeway speed limits are detrimental.
it may give private sector employees something to think about when using employer-provided devices
Not really, I've always assumed nothing is private on employer provided devices, no matter who my employer.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.