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Comment Comment from an original Age of Kings developer (Score 5, Interesting) 11

I'm am one of the original programmers from Ensemble Studios.

I've heard of the game being used for something like a few times over the years.

If I recall correctly, back in the day (around 1999-2002) we received a few requests for a customized version of Age of Kings to support whatever it was they were doing - be it adding extra data output (like a log file detailing every combat step), fixing the random number seeds so slightly different scenario could have the exact same random number sequence used or some additional feature to the scenario editor.

I think (and again my memory is hazy on this so I could be wrong) we actually did produce one, and maybe a second, custom build of the game for use in an academic / research setting.

Comment Not just Microsoft, but GPU Vendors also (Score 5, Interesting) 77

The largest part of GPU driver installs over the years has been bug fixes and/or improvements for specific games.

I can speak of a specific example of a GPU driver bug-fix, because I am the coder responsible for such a bug in Microsoft's Age of Empires (1997)

During the game's development in 1996 and 1997, we did not yet have 3D cards with 2D functionality (the stand alone Voodoo 1 card existed). Instead we were using 2D cards with 512K to 2MB of VRAM, capable of generating frame buffers up to 1280x1024 with 8-bit indexed color. These were VESA era cards, many of which used bank switching of 64K windows into the onboard VRAM.

Microsoft's DirectDraw API did for Windows 95 what UniVBE basically did for DOS games of the era - presented VRAM as a linear frame buffer that worked on (most) all video cards, and did any bank-switching needed behind the scenes by trapping the CPU fault when you wrote to a VRAM address that wasn't currently mapped to the card, and switching the address remapping and GPU VRAM bank transparently before resuming your code.

Using the DirectDraw API you had to issue a Lock() command to get access to the VRAM, and then Unlock() it when you were done copying pixels to it, so that it could do things like present the current frame, or next frame if you were double buffering, or execute a blit, which may or may not involve support hardware on the video card. The Unlock command would invalidate the mapped memory region to the GPU.

In one spot in the code of Age of Empires, I forgot to call Unlock(). On all the 2D cards in 1997.. it didn't matter. You could still write to the video card buffer and it was ok. Once we started getting GPUs with 3D and more VRAM like the nVidia GeForce 256 and ATI Radeon 9600, which also meant newer version of Direct3D (DriectX), etc, the code in Age of Empires would crash the game.

Both nVidia and ATI put code in their drivers to specifically detect that that game, and fix the problem so that the game ran, despite being a "bad citizen" and not calling Unlock(). This was keyed, at least in part, off the .exe filename. If you renamed empires.exe to expires1.exe (or anything else), the game would crash as soon as you attempted to start a game.

Comment Re:Better Help Facility (Score 1) 82

I asked some long time Microsoft employees about what happened to the quality of their documentation, and what I was told is that there was a distinct documentation group and the number of technical writers used to be significant, and you had people making the documentation that actually SWEs and/or had some knowledge and understanding of what they were writing about, and they would make sure sections were complete, and items cross referenced, etc.

But they were seen by executives as a big expense that could be eliminated, and most of them were let go/eliminated to save money and the bright idea was that going forward documentation could be a combination of written by the programmers making Windows or the compilers and documentation automatically generated by source scanning tools.

And that's how we've gotten to the state where let's say you might look for documentation on an enum used in a new API call because they can't decide if UWP is the future of Windows or the past, and the only documentation in existence you can find is an auto generated page that indicates the enum exists with no further information.

Comment It's pretty much worthless if... (Score 3, Informative) 126

UPTO is pretty much worthless if the employee can't reliably choose the days they actually get to 'take off' due to requiring the approval of their management chain (who deny them).

My wife has conventional vacation accrual working for a consulting firm. She is currently deployed on a project for a major telcom provider, which frankly is a sh*t show and why they had to bring in outside consultants to fix things. A co-worker of hers has been stuck on a parallel project there for over 3 years.

Since there are always new fires to put out, due to the client's inability to handle pretty much anything, every one of her vacation day requests for the past year so far have been denied, as the client is telling her managers that they need her doing the work of 2 or more people, and her managers value that over her needs.

She has had to take a few sicks days recently, and I suspect job offers coming from other companies may somehow be related to that.... *cough*

Comment This isn't exactly new (Score 2) 84

I am one of the original developers of Age of Empires 1 & 2 back in the late 1990s.

Ensemble Studios would get a lot of fan mail, and among them were many letters from people who told us that playing the game inspired them to learn more about the actual history behind and around the civilizations and battles referenced in our games.

It quickly taught us to always be clear and up front that "this is just a game, optimized for fun and not accuracy, but if you are interested we encourage you to consult your library and schools to learn more about the people and events.. (blah blah. something like that..)"

So it wouldn't surprise me if some people get the idea that events as portrayed in a video game actually reflect the real history (falsely or incompletely)

Comment I've got shocking news for you... (Score 3, Interesting) 21

...Unity Games make up over half the games on Steam.

80-90% of the Indie teams and studios I know are using Unity, with most of the remainder using Unreal.

Unity made their engine & tools accessible to more types/genre's of games than what Unreal was suitable for (perceived or actual) aka First person/FPS for a long time, along with making it fiscally accessible in an attempt to capture market share. And it worked, Unreal in particular responded - you no longer need to fork over $250K to just get started with it.

I've worked with both, and they both have advantages and drawbacks, but do think Unity is a better choice for more types of games, especially non-AAA stuff.

Comment Re:It's not just Apps.. and it's not new (Score 1) 122

I'll agree that I did some conflating. But it also destroyed discoverability, especially when some things are only findable in certain contexts, and the shift was forced down user's throats.

To hear it from couple people that were on the office team at the time (as I did), the overriding driving force for the change was political, not end user needs. Not saying you can't have a win-win scenario, but often it's caught up in an attempt to keep sales and upgrade revenue flowing (which is why we've seen the shift to subscriptions for mature software).

Comment It's not just Apps.. and it's not new (Score 5, Interesting) 122

> No PM in history has ever said "This seems to be working pretty well, let's leave it the way it is." Because that's not bold. That's not visionary. That doesn't get you promoted.

This has been the case with operating systems and many significant pieces of software for a long time now. From Windows and OSX to Office to less widespread software like quicken. UI and UX changes being pushed in virtually every release as the "great new thing" that will make your life better to the point where it has become like the fashion industry where everyone is looking for this year's "new style" and follows the seasonal trends (dark mode! light mode! flat icons! raised icons! whee!).

Once most software reached a level of functionality that satisfied 99+% of its users, such as Office did 20 years, for any subsequent changes to seem significant they had to violate many of the rules of good UI and UX design - like how Office 2007's ribbon was a step back in terms of explorability/discoverability. As a programmer, I am well aware that the menus and UI built up over the previous 2 decades could have been retained, or kept as an alternate mode, but I'm also aware that most people would have stuck with what they already had invested hundreds if not thousands of hours invested in learning, and the resulting low adoption rate would have meant the person responsible didn't get her promotion and bonuses. Priorities you know, the good of the one outweighs the good of the masses. And how many times are disruptive UI/UX changes made to promote something someone paid for (Looking at you Mozilla/Firefox)?

> It is the dream of every PM to come up with a bold UX innovation that gets praise, and many believe the gospel that the software is better at figuring out what the customer wants than the customer is.

While the PMs may dream, their customers curse the day they were born and wish nothing but ill-fortune upon them.

Most of the software and devices we have are tools to us. And now that we live in a world where they are auto-updated whether or not we want them to be, it is now a regular occurrence to go to use our phones or PCs to do something we have done numerous times before and be startled to discover that something has changed and it's made doing the task we wish to do more confusing, difficult, or that it started doing something completely unintended. No one likes going into the garage to get a hammer, only to discover that they have to relearn how to hold and wield it, but that's pretty much the norm today for many pieces of software.

I can remember one day when it started that I would pull my phone out of my pocket and there would be a half completed reply email sitting there. Apparently after a recent update my phone added a "shake to reply" option that it defaulted to on, and it interpreted the action of my putting it in my pants pocket as a 'shake' and launched a reply as it was disappearing into my jeans pocket. With no warning to it, I had to eventually puzzle out what had changed and was going on. A waste of my time and comfort.

Phone OS updates happen all the time, and we are trained to install them without a second thought (patch latest security holes, etc), but they don't come with (nor do we usually want) a nice tutorial spelling out ALL of the changes we didn't ask for and had no choice in. Desktop OSs are no better. Too many times I boot up my PC to find new widgets added, and my custom UI and registry settings have been reset.

Comment Re:Employers will pick their stars. (Score 1) 298

> For others, not so much. It will be "interesting times" upcoming. But will this lead to an overall improvement in working conditions? By itself, probably not -- but as part of a larger movement, maybe.

The danger that I see right now is that many companies are not training new hires very much and want someone who is already nearly perfect for the open position in terms of prior experience, etc. And it's usually taking a long time / number of applicants to find someone willing to fill the position.

Call Center level jobs I can see companies insisting on everyone being onsite and getting away with it, but as soon as you get to positions that require more specialize skills & experience, there is real risk that by letting go everyone not willing to return to the office full time they are going to be short staffed for a much longer than expected as:

A) Qualified people will be harder to find than anticipated due to the requirements, or

B) A lot of those who are qualified are probably going to want remote work (full or partial) and will pass on the job offer in hopes of finding a remote job, or

C) They are going to be unwilling (or unable) to relocate to said employer thanks the absolutely bonkers Real Estate market right now.

And there's only so far they can push those who remain before they feel the impact of being understaffed.

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