Comment Next week, adding grocery app for lutefisk! NO. (Score 1) 62
NO. If I wanted glitzy-ass social networking, I'd go for some. And here I recently got plenty riled up with these people enough for...
1) Tying Skype updates to Windows Store (comes with free complaints over decided inability to use far earlier versions... you know, without bloat, but that's a given)
2) Taking away themes (no option to white and blue Skype was a pain when by necessity working in a dark room in the middle of the night with a dark theme), followed by...
3) Giving me the option of trying a newfangled Skype on the PC (which actually did have a nice dark theme option included)... whilst making it impossible to turn off graphic emoticons, since I'm getting old and prefer my smiley faces to look like someone's fallen onto their side after drinking too much.
4) I forget, tacos for everyone.
5) Bloat. (Hey, I remembered.)
Sadly, I suppose I can only blame myself for jinxing it upon trying the new Skype on the PC, thinking that at least they couldn't possibly frak up Skype on Android. More. But then I keep forgetting that MS seems to be a late middle-aged man trying to wear baggy jeans like they just became fashionable and never understanding why people laugh and cry.