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Comment Re:Linux support? (Score 1) 121

Rider is hands down the best IDE right now for C#. And it runs great on Linux. The only thing it's missing, is automated remote debugging support. If you do anything with IoT/Raspberry Pi's, then please up-vote this https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-59477

Comment Re:JUST USE POSTGRES (Score 1) 272

I like Postgres, and I like MongoDB too. Both have their strengths. Best tool for the job I say.

The great thing about MongoDB is you can install two or three servers in different datacenters, and have redundancy out of the box. It's really simple. And you can scale horizontally if you need to without any downtime.

The last time I looked at Postgres, to do the same, you had to use third party solutions, and the client side drivers didn't support it. Is it any better now?

Comment From Germany. (Score 1) 68

At least it's not from a US company. There is another phone like this, and it's from a US based company. And I'm thinking... yeah right, NSA honey trap.

We need secure software. We cant trust hardware at all, unless it's for a single purpose, with a verifiable protocol. The Bitcoin community are coming up with some great solutions, which will help.

Comment Re:Um... (Score 1) 93

Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. Building the infrastructure costs money. Even if you could cover the cost of setting up a rival service with reduced profit margins, you run the risk of the rival service undercutting you. Of course, Google have shown it can be done, but they have a lot of cash to burn.

Comment Re:Abolish the licence fee (Score 3, Insightful) 171

It's good value when you look at the diversity the BBC provides. Sure you cant agree with the BBC on everything, but a lot better overall. Look at the Olympics. In the US, they got highlights. The BBC showed just about everything, live, without any breaks, for no extra cost.

Personally, I'd like to see the BBC paid out of taxation, providing it cant be touched by MPs. Link the rate to GDP or something, so there is never any question over how much money they get each year.

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
