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Comment Example of misinformation (Score 1) 147

This article itself is a perfect example of misinformation through misrepresentation. The title is a unattributed quote and the first three sentences only mention Tim Burners-Lee. Its misleading. The article should first state its a quote from Aral Balkan and then explain its a reaction to Burners-Lee. In its current form it implies that Tim Burners-Lee said, 'We Didn't Lose Control Of Our Personal Data -- It Was Stolen From Us By People Farmers' which he didn't.

Comment Re:Obsolete vs Stable (Score 2, Informative) 132

Scott here. You are totally right. These are all holes I'm aware of in the analysis. However, the problem gets much more difficult if you start considering patches and general stability. I don't deal with that because the problem already needs much more work. However, in the future, I'd be willing to explore other metrics. Email me to help out.

Comment Great People (Score 1) 148

The free software and free culture movements are full of great people including Lawrence Lessig. I got a chance to interview him. During the interview he expressed his over commitment to the movement. Lets acknowledge the larger organizations in order to reduce strain on any one figure. All of the people at Creative Commons, Electronic Freedom Foundation, Free Software Foundation, etc. deserve credit for their dedication to the cause (if you will).

That said, one critical aspect to promoting a digital culture is supporting revolutionary projects and artists. Some examples are Project Orange, Cactuses and Chance. Each has a different unique aspect but each hopes for a future which is better for artists. They aim for equal opportunity for artists to sustain themselves. Free software tools along with flexible creative licenses will allow this.

The most important aspect of Creative Commons licenses is that it allows for a new art form, remix art.

Alteration can create something unique.

You can create a unique Alteration.

For more interviews with revolutionary people/projects see my own project, Open Road Trip.

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