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Comment Re:Developers treat it like any other management t (Score 1) 293

All the scrum manager do is invent silly games for "sizing" projects, most of which are so random that they're as meaningless as the estimates, since they usually want to get the size estimates before anyone has had a chance to even understand what work is involved... it's fine for small tasks, but for anything else, their sizing might as well be dice based.

Comment Re:Hey, assholes! (Score 1) 304

Entering without shoes or shirt could legitimately get them kicked out, but entering without a mask has the potential to kill (or maim, to put it simply) people who are associated with other shoppers, in addition to other shoppers. The anti-maskers should therefore be treated like terrorists -- someone walking into a store with a bomb could kill people in the store; it's more flamboyant, but won't (physically) harm people related to those in the store. If we treated anti-maskers like terrorists, we could have contained this pandemic. Instead we've been pandering to the world's stupidest people, and have become pariahs.

Comment Re: Tasers alternative to gun AND baton (Score 1) 258

And they generally donâ(TM)t. If you disagree, get a lawyer. A police has the right to detain and arrest you on suspicion, the jury will decide the âoebeyond a reasonable doubtâ part.

In reality, the police routinely arrest people because they feel like it and simply lie about it in court.

In principle I agree that society needs police, but the US doesn't have police. It's just a crime syndicate now -- it's easy to see why police departments are endorsing trump, since they don't want a president who cares about the constitution more than they do.

Comment Re:All the W.H.O. has to do... (Score 1) 373

If the WHO was wrong to ignore warnings from Taiwan then why is it okay that the US government which has actual investigative experts in the CDC and is a Taiwan ally to ignore the same warnings?

Let's not forget that any investigation into the WHO and incompetrump will also reveal that the WHO published a warning that countries should start implementing social distancing, testing, and contact tracing... and incompetrump continued ignoring that warning for three more weeks.

Then there's the spate of warnings from the intelligence community and the CDC back in January that the orange asshat ignored, and the fact that the moron also dismantled the pandemic response team...

Comment Re:"Lost month"? (Score 1) 412

I sincerely hope US can do better than that in emergency.

Obviously not. The US medical system is a lot more like a 3rd world country's than a first world country's. Given how corrupt and incompetent the government is, it's not really even rational to describe the US as a first world nation any more anyway.

The only real difference between the US and other 3rd world countries is that the US equivalent of warlords wear business suits.

Comment Re:Good luck! (Score 1) 106

The outcome would likely be far worse than that, actually.

Look at what happened with the solar cell industry, for example. US companies developed solar cells, but the large energy companies (mostly oil) used their bought politicians to stifle their development by pretending that government subsidies were handouts, ignoring the fact that they got their start by using government subsidies... and continue using their bought politicians to keep collecting those subsidies that exist to support innovation as government handouts, using them to stifle innovation. Now the solar cell industry is booming globally, and most of the manufacturing is in China, so the US government's corruption drove that industry out of the US and into China, bolstering China's economy.

Forcing Chinese companies to buy processors only from Chinese companies will benefit only the Chinese, by taking a lot of business away from the few remaining US based semiconductor manufacturers, and into the hands of some of hte largest and most advanced semiconductor manufacturers in the world, shifting the tech balance drastically in China's favor. The US is already known as an also-ran in terms of innovation; the vast majority of the world's semiconductor manufacturing is overseas, most of the world's manufacturing is in China and what's not in China thanks to the coronavirus shutdown is in Mexico. It's not coming back to the US... probably ever.

Comment Re:A kleenex could test positive for coronavirus (Score 1) 206

But now, once we got past the local Wuhan officials going into denial and hiding the problem, China has been one of the most reliable sources of information and advice we've had for covid-19. Without their sequencing data in particular testing would have been delayed. Their rapid scientific publishing of their experiences exemplary, their successful handling of the crisis a beacon of hope we can all look to.

That's indisputably true -- starting with releasing the virus data almost as soon as the Chinese scientists had the RNA sequence, for example.

The Chinese government probably realized that hiding the info was worse for its economy as well as everyone else's than seeking a global cure.

For covid-19, there as been a complete inversion. China is one of the best sources of information, and US government one of the worst in the world if not the worst. I don't know how that has been perceived in the USA, but for the rest of us it's been gob smacking, disorienting, and a wake up call.

It's been revealing precisely how stupid americans have become. The idiots still supporting the incompetrump are still idiots, only somehow managing to reveal even more idiocy than ever before. They're making flat earthers seem alsmost rational by comparison.

Comment Re:what the query (Score 1) 108

I ran into some recent code at a fairly large tech company with a query that used the "manual join" approach... you know, query the first table, then for each result in that result set, query the second? It was obvious from the code that there should have been a join there, and it was worsened by the fact that it was a Linq to Entities query rather than a sproc... but just changing the Linq query to use a join lead to almost a 75% improvement in execution time.

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