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Comment Re:MySQL sucks (Score 1) 229

Ooooh, I've got some too! Their silly, non-standards-compliant alternative INSERT syntax that breaks when the SQL is ported to a different DBMS, i.e., INSERT INTO table [field = value], .... Or how about type inferencing that encourages lazy SQL code... which breaks when ported to a different DBMS (numbers in strings literals, ahoy!). Or, my favorite, how MySQL will truncate strings instead of throwing an error if the string overflows the field you're inserting it into.

MySQL is crap. If you want a good database on the cheap, use Postgres. Fast, reliable, predictable, relatively simple, adheres to standards, supports a slew of languages for stored procedures, blah blah blah.... It's a shame MySQL is so popular when Postgres is so much better.

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