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Comment Passwords: Commit to Memory (Score 1) 445

I'm 60 and I have about 20 passwords. Some are to my wife's accounts.

I memorize them. BUT they are all memorable to me.

Let's say I had a very memorable event - my first kiss at an amusment park in 1969 - i'll create a password 'mfkaaapi69' and then switch it up a little bit so it ends up mFka&api6(

This pasword might be resused for a few accounts, that I consider low level security (ie no money, no real identity). Banking/financial logins are unique and are longer mnemonics.

Work is a pain - every 60 days we have to come up with a new one, so my work password is has a number I increment. KISS since they force the changing. Strangely some of my work logins still have the original password, while other logins are crazed about the changing. Must be different admins controling some of the domains and accounts.

I do write my personal ones down, but that list is in our family papers stash, and it's clearly labeled what the accounts are - in case I kick the bucket.

I've had a few scares and changed all passwords to all account at once. I had to rely on that written list for a few days.

Comment Oldish Coder Here (Score 1) 360

Well I'm oldish and I'm a coder. Here's what I'm doing.

I researched the question "How to find out what you want to be when you grow up?". I expected to find an answer, but whoa is me, only more questions.

So I just took that question, which is 'What do you like to do?' and made a big list. Go off somewhere no one will bother you, to do this. Just make a list of what you like or think you'd like to do.

Then pick one and do it. Do it long enough to find out if you like it or not.

For example, some people think, "I'd like to write a novel." - so start writing one. After a few weeks or even longer of diligent effort, again sit down and ask. Did I like that? Good. Continue writing. If not, then pick something else off that list. Repeat Until Liked.

I'm testing my idea to host a web based application for managers who have to create schedules for staff. So I'm writing an app for that and plan to launch it over the web. It's got me pumped about learning. Yes it's been done, but I think I'd like to do this, so I'm trying it out.

If that doesn't work, then next on the list is "Total World Domination", yeah...I think I'd like that....

Comment Recommended (Score 1) 1244

Fritz Leiber - Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series
James P Hogan - The Giant series starting with Inherit the Stars
Poul Anderson - Polesotechnic League series; Hoka series; The Psychotechnic League series; Time Patrol series; Harvest the Stars series; etc (100 or so books)
James Blish - Cities in Flight
Gordon Dickenson - Childe Cycle - Soldier, Ask Not is one of favorites

and one that captivated me and blew my mind - Robert Silverberg - Across A Billion Years

These should keep you busy for a few weeks. Or years.

Comment Re:I'll second that. (Score 1) 605

Nice try their insurance man. I think you're wrong. Here's an example;

NOW: 10 insureds each paying $100 a month.
                      TOTAL Premiums/month = $1,000

AFTER: 10 insureds
                              5 are average drivers, they pay $100/month
                              2 are safe drivers, they pay $ 96/month
                              3 are unsafe drives, they pay $110/month
                          TOTAL Premiums/month = $ 1,022

This has nothing to do with actually helping their customers.

Now let's pretend you have a "black box" or any kind of monitoring device. You get in an accident may involve significant (to the insurance company amount of) damages, do you think they will use that data to help you, or protect themselves?

Hmmm....ding! ding! ding! We have a winner, they will screw you 12 ways into next year!

It's ALWAYS about the money.

Comment Asshattery (Score 1) 380

Don't forget that in the wake of the Challenger Disaster, there was a Commission that was tasked with the investigation. ONLY the last minute theatrics of Dr Feynman with the ice-water and the O-Ring material succeeded in getting his conclusions included in the official report. As an Appendix. His findings were not even going to be reported; findings which supported Robert Boisjoly. So not only did Asshattery lead to the Disaster, it continued in full force undiminished after it. This Asshattery lead to Robert Boisjoly and some of his colleges being "banished", ironically for being right. There is NO EXCUSE for this. None. If this is common everywhere and not just in NASA, even less excuse as then EVERYONE should be on guard. Robert Boisjoly is a hero, we lack people of his caliber. I mourn his loss.

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