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Comment Re:Mod Up: Informative (Score 2) 327

Looks through my posting history - I'm exactly the opposite of a Microsoft apologist.

I applaud you for that, but there is still no need to cut Microsoft slack where they don't deserve it. Which words describe the situation better: 1) "little accident" or 2) "slow motion train wreck"?

Comment Re:Another Shitty Summary. (Score 2) 327

They're not going to die this year, but they do have a long decline ahead of them, just like IBM in the 90s.

Unlike IBM they won't pull out of it because they have no lucrative hardware business to fall back and no loyal stable of clients to turn themselves into a service operation. And unlike IBM, who only earned the hatred of a few thousand professionals, Microsoft has earned the hatred of millions and is still working on it.

For Microsoft, this ends at $0 per share.

Comment Re:Mod Up: Informative (Score 1, Informative) 327

It's not from their "continued struggles", it's from a single acquisition 5 years ago.

Why do we keep hearing this tired apology over and over again? Aquantive was worth $6.2 billion on the day it was bought then slowly bled bit by bit until it was worth zero. What bled away was its "good will" (aka expected income) as it became increasingly apparent that Microsoft was unable to leverage Aquantive's auction model in the same way that Google had leveraged Applied Semantics.

Comment Re:Like what? (Score -1) 327

Until there's something out there that "doesn't suck", I'd like Microsoft to remain healthy and viable.

What do you mean, "remain healthy"? Microsoft has had the corporate equivalent of liver cancer for a dozen years now. Chemo treatment has already started.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 0) 327

I actually read TFA and it said they lost $6B due to a bad acquisition and that's why the quarterly profits were where they were.

See, the real story here is that Microsoft has been concealing this loss by carrying Aquantive on its books at far more than its real value. They did this in order to make their quarterlies look better than they actually are, therefore support the stock price. Microsoft hoped that the market would then regard this as a one-time expense (when it was really an ongoing loss over a period of years) and thus forgive them. And judging from the aftermarket movement, this strategem has worked perfectly. Whether it is legal is entirely another question. The word "fraud" comes to mind.

Even if Microsoft gets away with this, which they probably will, one fact can't be denied: Microsoft is weakening. The upcoming Windows 8 debacle should put the icing on the cake.

Comment Apple no longer a product company (Score 1) 306

Let's take inventory. IPhone 4s. A minor upgrade. Ipad 3. A minor upgrade, and a downgrade in terms of weight, thickness and battery life. New products. None.

OK, I think I can see the pattern now. Apple plans to milk its existing assets for everything they're worth and has no intention of creating new ones. That would cost money, you see.

Comment Re:Meego? (Score 1) 63

Probably doesn't matter in China, but they need a better name all the same. I don't doubt one will land presently. Remember, the Meego name came from a bunch of Nokia and Intel marketdroids. I doubt they have any love for it, other than as a way to identify their particular technology base so people don't think they're totally whacked.

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