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Comment Re:Double Down (Score 2) 188

A very public "Nondisparagement Agreement" database could be created. There are people who actually need jobs who have little choice in signing a silly agreement. Knowing which companies that mandate them before applying for the job would save everyone a lot of time and effort. Plus, I wouldn't buy from any company that would squash an employee voice any more than I would if they required a customer to sign the "NA." No wonder brand loyalty and employee/employer loyalty seem to not be a thing.

Comment Cigarettes Don't Kill People (Score 1, Funny) 410

I've been told countless times and we read in every "gun control" forum that guns don't kill people, people kill people. Using that same logic, how can we ever justify "cigarette control" as a way to limit damage or death. The Oregon lawmakers just don't get it. Outlaw certain cigarettes and then only criminals will have them. And the only way to stop a criminal smoker is to make sure we have more and more good citizen smokers on the streets. We're just opening a huge Pandoras Box with these new laws. I advocate for open smoking laws. We should be able to walk around openly smoking with lighters and books of matches slung over our shoulders.

Comment Re:Your right to point your camera (Score 1) 304

Let's also remember the definition of "becomes or is a distraction" hasn't been clarified as far as I know. A real professional should be able to work through that distraction without going after the person doing the filming. The citizens pay the salary of LEOs so, in effect, the general public is the boss.

Comment Re: It's not like they risk anything. (Score 2, Interesting) 304

I believe the U.S. Military standards for behavior and conduct are more stringent than local police departments. Obviously, there are exceptions but it's rare to find a LEO who isn't an authoritarian asshole. Yep, they have a tough job but when they are still authoritarian assholes in their own offices or in a place where weapons are not allowed (except on the LEOs hip), serving and protecting can be accomplished without all the assholery. I had a job where I had to interact with LEOs quite often. I lost all respect for the LEO profession very quickly and basically gave up trying to be friendly and moving towards a strictly business demeanor after one year. Most eventually became more aggressive and sarcastic for the next year I was on the job. At this point any time I deal with LEOs, I use a voice recording app on my phone as a safeguard ... likely a useless safeguard but at least I have evidence of their behavior that I can turn into a written transcript.

Comment Re:Slimebags (Score 1) 94

Yep, I gotta admit, that Y2K regulation has been preventing me from opening a $multi-trillion business. I also know of at least 15 million other businessmen who are in the same boat. We need to make sure we get guns into everyone's hands so we can be safe too. The 2 Amendment mandates a finely tuned militia and without more guns there will be more deaths from regulations. Or so I've been told by government regulators.

Comment Re:Chinese-European partnership (Score 1) 88

President trump has a great relationship with China. We know this because he said so. All this greatness is because of the very bestest and bigly, big league "Beautiful Chocolate Cake Diplomacy" carried out by POTUS. The world will probably become a better place because trump is president. All other countries will likely increase their cooperation with each other leaving the Donald to stomp home in tears while twitter whining the days and weeks away.

Comment Fake News is Ancient News (Score 2) 180

I've had all the claims of "fake news" that I can handle since President trump started uttering those two word less than one year ago. If that's your only retort without offering any kind of proof, then you are just as ignorant as the POTUS tweeting that same phrase and he seems to have done that every day for the past week. Fucking morons. And yes, there are at least two "fake news" comments in this story alone.

Comment Re:Ways around this (Score 1) 514

I don't think the OP hates U.S. citizens. My guess is it's our policies, invasive TSA behavior and actions plus our emerging xenophobian philosophy is what many, including what appears to be a growing number of U.S. citizens, are saying is a huge concern. Anecdotal evidence tells me travel to the U.S. is being seen more and more as a negative or just a necessary evil. Candidate and now President Trump has given world leaders reason to question if the U.S.commitment to world peace and stability is waning.

Comment Re:Just another mindless attack (Score 1) 507

@realdonaltrump, I'm impressed you're on Slashdot. I'm also glad you cleared up the unsecured android phone controversy but it might be wise if you consult with your own government experts on this issue. Now get out there boy, and knock em dead at your campaign rally today. Make tons of money selling hats and shirt so when your audit is complete you'll have a few dollars to live on. Oh, your backswing? Take it back a little slower and lower to get more distance off the tee box and save some pussy for us regular stars. - Thanks ... your ever loving friend, Billy

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