I didn't invent anything this clever when I was 15. How about you?
Uhh... At 15 I had built my own taser, a rail gun, an air cannon that shot projectiles over 200 yards, and a trebuchet that threw golf balls the same distance. All this from seeing the things work and going out to figure out how to build them.
Not exactly something amazing for a 15 y/o to do. Anyone can string together ideas and concepts, yes, even kids younger than him.
Im not really all that impressed by it, but I am impressed every time I see a kid help someone for no reason other than to help, every time I see kids out volunteering because they want to, and every time I see a kid that stands up for another kid. Those are things that not all kids can do. Lets give those kids some support before we go off praising a kid for doing something every human can do.
Now it's one thing for kids to be looking at age-inappropriate entertainment while Mom and Dad are at work, it's quite another thing for them to be in contact with sexual predators. This is very much the domain of law enforcement.
It seems you have missed the point of Colmore's post... Children should not be on the internet alone, especially not if they are at an age where they dont have the ability to make decently thought out decisions(lets say
I mean, really...how hard is it to watch your kid while they do what they want to do online for a set amount of time?
For a kid the internet isnt something that should be constantly available. A decent comparison would be junk food and nutritious food. The internet is like junk food and books/family activities/parental involvement is nutritious food...
Given the independent choice what do you think kids are going to choose?
...why don't you just go in and militarily wipe the territory clean. It would be faster and you'd more evenly hurt the civilians and the militants, rather than mostly the civilians as they're doing now.
I think the point is to put the *innocent* people in a position where they will force out the militants...Something otherwise not possible with a sort of clean sweep military operation(something that would also draw far more international complaint than the blockade). So, not only would the Israelis look bad, they would look worse than Hamas...
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.