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Comment Re:Time to move into the Century of the fruit bat. (Score 1) 1198

Then those who are anti-capital punishment should foot the bill.

If a person is sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole, I'd rather have them put to death to save tax-payer money (ok, reallocate it to other areas of government) and have the victims and victim's families be able to move on that much sooner. If you are the kind of person who has no regard for human life, that should count towards your own.

Comment Re:The incredible irony of.. (Score 1) 353

Perhaps when I turn up I show my iPhone in a shocking pink bumper to Mr Security Guard. When I leave I show the same phone in the same bumper and the guard waves it through. Except that I switched a broken 16GB iPhone 4 for an 64GB iPhone 5

Except your new iPhone 5 won't fit into an iPhone 4 shocking pink bumper. At least not without some goatse-type stretching of said bumper.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
