No one forces you to make apps for Android (that would qualify as torture anyway I guess)
Back then you had a choice of platform, today you have a choice too. It's certainly easy to bring a "I'm awesome" to the screen with Xcode and Swift.
And by the way, I was talking about BASIC and assembler/machine language. The latter certainly wasn't less complex than setting up the ADT in Eclipse (but probably more fun anyway).
Actually, the kids from 1975 are the ones who invented smartphones, PDF and the Internet.
How about Glass for an auto mechanic. Look under the hood of a car and it overlays the wiring diagram, exhaust diagram, part you're looking at with price and local availability, etc.
That could be nice. However, Glass does not overlay anything at the moment. It's more like a small screen in a corner of your vision, you have to look "up there". Augmented reality certainly has a future. But Google Glass in its current incarnation is not it.
How do the fuck does a 5% worldwide market share kill linux ?
Well, even a 5% market share would be much more than a 1.5% market share and hence plenty to kill. Although in markets as the US it is probably closer to 10%.
I actually use a mouse with the right hand and a magic trackpad on the left hand (with different gestures). Very efficient, at least for me.
I actually use a mouse with the left and magic fingers with my right hand (with different gestures). Very efficient, at least for me.
Oh wait, you're not talking about surfing porn, are you?
I saw that one coming...
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein