Journal Journal: Comment filtering wish
I wish Slashdot offered an additional setting for filtering comments.
Instead of just filtering by score, it would be better if "funny" comments and their children could be filtered out.
I wish Slashdot offered an additional setting for filtering comments.
Instead of just filtering by score, it would be better if "funny" comments and their children could be filtered out.
Anyone in Connecticut who's interested in doing or learning Cocoa development is encouraged to contact me.
My current development project is a GUI app for OS X which makes it easy and, indeed, pleasant, to download and read E-Books from Project Gutenberg. Lots of creature comforts and chrome which aren't available from ASCII text and ftp'd files with unfriendly filenames.
It's Cocoa, naturally.
The main problem I have is that I've gotten it to a point where it's minimally useful, and I end up reading the e-texts instead of developing more.
I'm sure that joke's been done a thousand times.
I finally decided to register, and stop wasting all my potential Karma by posting as an AC.
Where there's a will, there's a relative.