Comment Re:Always a good idea. (Score 1) 64
I'll admit it took me a minute......
I'll admit it took me a minute......
Instead of going thru all of the work it would take to bury the trees, why not just burn them down! It will be a lot easier and then we could just.........oh, wait.
SponsorBlock rocks! Another one of the few FOSS programs I'll gladly support monetarily! The amount of time this extension has saved me is amazing!
I haven't tested it so I don't know for a fact , but, since you provide apparent time related info to SponsorBlock I would think it would still work even with Youtube's surreptitious endeavors....time will tell.
After all of the nonsense that HP has put upon it's home printer customers it's a joy to see HP take a ~$3bn loss! This must be what "schadenfreude" really feels like!
With all of those GPUs I wonder if It will be able to play Crisis?
From ye olde 5 digit user id the good old days, been a long time. So many kids playing around with 7 digits user id wow.
Ain't that the truth!
If you read all that with an Indian accent it really comes across a lot funnier!!
I'm sorry, no offense intended to anyone. Just sayin'........
Our tax dollars hard at work!....Oh, wait....
I'm not defending Amazon in any way. I think they are an evil corp. just like all of the rest (but gorammit their convenient!). That having been said, I don't see where they are doing anything different than any other brick and mortar store does. Loss leaders are a thing. You lose money on one thing so you can make money on another while providing what appears to be an exceptional savings to your customers.
Nothing to see here....move along.
I know that I have only the YT short video understanding of AI and this may be an obvious question, but, how does someone become qualified to judge ethical behaviour on something that doesn't actually exist yet?
What were they trained on? What outputs were deemed good vs. bad behaviour and how was that determined?
What am I missing here?...tia.
With the amount of computing power available today (super computers, distributed, etc.) is this something that really requires real world testing? I understand that there is no substitute for the real thing but consider this - there may be multiple companies using this on a regular basis eventually. The impact to the environment as a whole (humans are not the only ones that will be affected by this) could be more than just an occasional nuisance.
I understand the need I certainly wouldn't want to get on a plane that hadn't undergone a real world test. However, large corporations being such as they are, will abuse this if it is in any way cheaper than doing so otherwise (air tunnel test, computer simulation, etc.).
I feel this is a resource that will need to be strictly monitored - you get X amount of tests in a limited amount of time along with not being allowed to go above Y amount of decibels.
However it ends up I wouldn't want to live under that corridor!
Didn't Google already try their hand at being a high speed network provider in many other cities and failing miserably? Why should this be any different?
Google knows these actions maybe causing problems but, hey, "We're Google" so
You make an interesting point I have certainly never considered in that sports fill an inherit need for tribal behaviors, perhaps, lessening the desire in some to commit violence on others.
I for one have generally considered professional sports as a bane on the civilized world. As has been posted previously - grown men acting as children with as much control!
Your perspective has given me something to think about which is a rare thing on Slashdot these days!
Thank you sir!
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain