Journal Spy der Mann's Journal: The Anti-MAFIAA Manifesto (a-la V for Vendetta) (v3.0) 11
"The anti-MAFIAA Manifesto" (v3.06)
Market Momentum. A marginal improvement in a massive move of milliards of monetary units. Mobs maintaining their millionaire manors with a martial ministry, marauding and muzzling the melomaniacs who made the mistake of mounting multi-user music-sharing programs onto their microprocessors, mostly for an ear-mashing, mundane and monotonous munch of music, with a miserable "remastered" dynamic range.
The Machiavellian Music Industry, the Movie Masterminds and their malevolent minions, muscled by the majority of the media, masquerade their managers as martyrs to maintain a megalithic marketing model, misleading the masses into malls like mules, macerating -no, milking- their income and molding them: With mesmerizing melodies, moronic mottos, mountains of merchandise and meticulously mannered nominations, those monsters mutilate the masses' minds, melding them into not more than mere mammals, with a microscopic mental magnitude, matching the mud and the moss.
Myth? Misstatement? Madness? MATERIALISM!
Meanwhile, in their magnificent mansions, the mink-mantled magnates morbidly mock the minorities' misfortune, while moistening their mouths in martinis under the moonlight, and masticating their meat and marshmallows like no tomorrow.
Those mischievous moguls magnify their monumental monopolies by multiplying their machinery: Digital Rights Management, DMCA, "Trusted" Computing (Mr. Stallman was not mistaken). Maltreating musicians, misusing copyright to the max, mirroring the Matrix by mining the government to monitor communications, marching like the militia to school meetings in the mornings with menacing memos, mirthfully mismatching mortified mothers for maleficent mobsters, mandating most into misspending more and more (or be imprisoned). Their main motivation is no mystery: Money.
Money! A metastatic misery, a muddling myopia, a momentary make-believe, a magnetizing mirage! A manipulating mephisto, which metamorphoses the meek into mercenaries and murderers, making them moan like Midas in a maniacal manner: "mine, mine, mine!!" Is modesty no more?
(Meditate my musing for a moment)
This melee, to maximize their market share. Most of mankind's malignancy is merged into a man-made monster of mastodonic measures. A mammoth called MAFIAA. Months pass, and the multitudes mourn the ever-minimizing mobility of their mediocre minds, amidst marred music, meaningless media transmissions, and miniaturizing freedom. This multinational massacre must be terminated, but most men make meager or no moves, at most mimetizing their communications with muTorrent, masked by the mist of encryption. Is this illegal? Maybe. Morally wrong? Maybe, maybe not (memorize this term: Civil Disobedience).
Militate and manifest yourselves in the metropolis! This is a major command! Miraculous modifications start as a minimal idea in a man or a woman's mind. Maintain your might! Manly move forward, and donate money to your magnanimous comrades, the EFF and FSF, for their mission is not minor! But if you malinger...
Memorize my message, merciless mice! You might enjoy your freedoms for a minuscule moment - you shall miss them in melancholy for millennia, after they mutate into a marooned, mummified memory in a mausoleum named morgue. Misunderstand me not: this moderate memento, merriment to many, may be a premonitory ultimatum.
Merry to meet you, I'm merely a man behind a mask with a mystifying moniker. I am M.
Recommended places to move to:
(Marginal copyright Message: May you multiply this manifesto as you mean, but you must modify it no more).
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One. thesaurus.com is your friend
Two. I got inspired by this comic [vgcats.com]. Who would've thought?
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I thought of some improvements: At the end, you could replace museum for morgue
Perhaps I could change "megalithic business model" to "megalithic marketing model" (and get rid of "marketing" before "moronic mottos" - I could add "multiple commercials" after that).
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ever-dumbing media transmissions -> mortifying movies; ever-dumbing -> meaningless (and remove it from mirage, instead use "magnetic");
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Magnificent! (Score:2)
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Version 3.0 uploaded :) (Score:2)
P.S. Feel free to upload it to the pirate bay as a text file.